Nelson, who is this person ?
    On ‎Friday‎, ‎18‎ ‎October‎ ‎2019‎ ‎13‎:‎52‎:‎46‎ ‎IST, Nelson Lopes 
<> wrote:  
 Cyanide killer

She confessed to killing her own close family members and got away for as
long as 14 years. The  6 murders  she allegedly confessed to.  occurred
an spread from 2002,2004,2011,2014, 2016 and 2018. She was emboldened by
her success of not being suspected or her plot  detected .Her first husband
was suspected of having died with cyanide poison. The forensic  examination
confirmed the findings, but for strange reasons it was ignored. It is now
understood that she was planning two more murders.

She came form a poor economic family background and her educational
qualifications and performance were not up to the mark.,Her first marriage
after falling in love at a wedding reception was an elevation into an
educated family with social status .She faked her identity as a lecturer at
NIT with an ID card. She used to dress up well  and leave  house every day
to give the impression of being a working woman, She was a regular faithful
at Church services and considered pious ,She used to visit the graves often
with flowers and thus  cleverly masked her psychopathic  behaviour
.Surprisingly this behaviour  went unnoticed.  Psychologist infer her case
as a  split personality. suffering from inferiority complex and living a
double life,.Her lust for power, greed , money and status  fueled her
diabolic ambitions and made her ruthless  in planning and skillfully
executing her plans without any suspicions.She was well calculated and
clear in eliminating the victims that stood in her way. Her external
appearances were charmingly deceptive .Cyanide poison specially KCN is
costly and more difficult to procure . On the other hand NaCN is less
and possibly she  bought it for about Rs 5000 to commit two murders, from a
Coimbatore factory as per initial investigation. It appears that she had
read extensively on the effect from paper cuttings and *internet* and
 closed on sources    where it could be used, specially in cleaning gold.
It is possible that she had some political connections at lower rung of the
ladder, which helped her to get the transfer,  by forging of property
documents, albeit for a  substantial considerations. The investigations are
on, but evidence linking the murders after 14 years is going to be uphill
task to nail her to be convicted. It is uncommon for a woman to be **involve
led**  in serial murders and to unravel the workings of her mind will be
interesting findings in the annals of criminal  detection and justice She
seems to be bereft of any remorse and not disclosed her motives  except
accepting her conspiracy in the serial murders*

*Nelson Lopes Chinchinim*

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