The governments by their sins of commision and omission setting bad examples, 
mostly in ego/ self interest and penalizing the citizens, have generated the 
attitude and habits of today's citizens whose behavior will classify 
them(including me) as ugly Indians! Decency and honesty can get you into 
trouble. Religion and hyper nationalism makes people arrogant and violent. They 
also just will not follow traffic rules from force of habit, police and lawyers 
will get violent like common goondas.The suicidal gas chamber that Delhi has 
become will still have some Indians bursting crackers and burning 
stubble/garbage besides carelessly throwing it into rivers and drains. The 
odd/even vehicle rule scheme must have countless exceptions and CNG vehicles 
cannot be exempted because everyone cheats by putting CNG stickers on their 
vehicles fraudently! In Cochin two multi storied bulidings will be demolished 
on Supreme Court orders for being illegally constructed on very eco sensitive 
areas. More than 800 families wil have to vacate and their lives suddenly in 
jeopardy for no fault of theirs! The government authorities always are not 
accountable, so builders and government lucrative"development"  nexus 
proliferates all over India. In Goa we have seen how one such illegal 
construction of a five star hotel was saved from demolition despite court 
orders by government bringing in an ordinance to nullify it! Similarly Parrikar 
samadhi will be built on Mira Mar beach. Is our money safe with government/ in 
banks? Scams galore everywhere. The recent HSRP fitting harassment of public is 
a stark reminder that this cannot be a happy nation unless the government leads 
by example and puts public interest first before issuing orders and there is 
strict accountability!

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