Professor Adolfo, you get the cake, er er Banana cake.  Shakespeare is doing 
the splits in his grave.At least you are not beyond the grave, as some people 
are, though you have an Uncle from Mars.  Do they grow Bananas in Mars ?Talking 
about Banana trees, a visitor swore that I had a Banana tree.  I explained the 
fine difference between a Bananaer, er, tree or plant and a Travellers Palm 
which has the trunk of a coconut palm and leaves that resemble Banana or 
Plantain leaves. The rravellers palm is endemic to your part of the world - 
Africa, or more specifically Madagascar. My friend is confused but at least he 
is not beyond the grave as some people are. "Kula Ndizi kila siku mzee.  Kweli 
wewe ni hodari sana " a translation from Swahili for those  from beyond the 
grave.  Eat bananas every day,  You are truly a smart person".  A banana a day 
keeps the doctor ("Bwana Ganga") abay in Oysterbay 
  Vivian D'Souza -  aka Mzee Shenzi

    On ‎Wednesday‎, ‎13‎ ‎November‎ ‎2019‎ ‎16‎:‎07‎:‎11‎ ‎IST, Adolfo 
Mascarenhas <> wrote:  
 Joao I read your Piece in ISSUE 664 on Banana TREES ....Really TREES 
mean trees with branches.   Need to brush up your Botany. Still
Dear Joao:

My Uncle who lives in Planet Mars knows that I  live in URT. That also in URT, 
which informally people call Tanzania,  the Great Banana eaters are the Wahaya, 
theWachagga and the WaSauti in the South. They happen to be extremely 
smartbecause real ripe Bananas are fuel for the brain. In 20 minutes the sugar 
is inthe brain and it gets down to work. Maths, Poetry, drama etc become easy 
likedezi (Swahili for bananas ..there  aremore than  250 varieties even red 
ones,sweet one etc etc)


My Uncle  theMartian, whom I met in Los Angeles in 1964   also knows I am a 
Goan and drew attentionthat many people mistake Mkono ya Tembo, translated into 
English means ElephantsHand are not bananas but plantains.   Yeseach plantain 
can weigh 900 grams.  In Goathey grow  the plantains  in the Saligao area.  The 
problem is that people eating them are ona very slippery path  ….when they 
fallthey might really injure their brain and will have to be locked up ….put in 
astraight jacket and all that.


I read your ODD to the Banana.  I think you wanted to write an ODE.Shakespeare 
also had some same  awarenessso he wrote Mid Summer Madness. The banana was not 
known in UK so perhaps hewas born slightly POTTY.  You know thefamous lines “to 
be or not to be”  Hereally tied himself in a suicidal knot. Ditto R & J.  ie 
plot is samelocation changes from Denmark to Italy.


I can almost predict what my Uncle from Mars willrecommend:

1)       We all know that you love bananas …in fact you frequently walk 
alongBanana Avenue

2)       So don’t worry about cyclonic winds….take care of Nama the Toad.   
Even the French won’t  even sniff at them.

3)       Of course the banana TREES in your garden should have a trunk…not a 
suitcase (Honestly you do not need to file a suit….Cases in Goa takes forever.  
The Ponos, Tamerind have stems with branches….the banana has leaves for stems. 

4)       Do Goans have a culture of banana art, banana alcohol, banana 
toincrease the milk supply of lactating mothers?  

5)       Did you really mean a LONG happy smile ….My Uncle The Martian actually 
firmly believes that fellows who have along permanent smile definitely needs 
consult the brain/doctor  immediately. 

6)       My Uncle The Martian knows about us Goan netters and is prepared to 
takeus to Mars.  He is scheduled toArrive  and Depart on the same day on 11Feb 

7)       So please keep eating bananas, smile after reading this piece  


PS The Bugandas are also great MUNANA (Plural forBanana!)  eaters…the call the 
goey dishmatoke and it is eaten with a relish of flying ants. Could be crunchy 
crispyfried or made into a yummy curry.  Neither Iddi da Amin nor Mussa de 
Vaini was/isa banana eater and look what a mess  Iddiperformed with the help of 
the British a revolution which backfired .  If Boris’s grand dad had eaten a 
Banana orToo  in Turkey there would not have beensuch a mess in UK. 

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