Delhi dangerous air quality levels

The present levels of air quality in Delhi  are dangerously   low, raising
alarm bells. The children and elderly, asthmatics have to bear the brunt.
Respiratory diseases, heart problems, eye diseases etc have galloped by
leaps and bounds. The health costs are terrifying and cosmetic measures
like air masks, internal purifiers,limiting external activities, school
breaks, spraying of water ,monitoring instruments, odd and even four
wheelers and include two wheelers too, may help to some extent .
Politicians defiance and paying fines in protest is mockery of the attempts
by Govt in place. People are migrating out of Delhi too in large numbers as
long term measures.The sources of pollution are internal and external
.Delhi believes that stubble burning greatly aggravates the situation, but
neighbouring states are in total denial and fail to take deterrent measures
, in spite of court directives.The Centre and states keep on passing the
buck to get political mileage. The Centre has provided machines to handle
stubble burning, but it is totally inadequate and needs immediate
augmentations, The environmental Ministry has not called the meetings of
concerned parties to deal with the situation allowing it to feater. The
P.M  in this vital issue must take  a call, because it affects the citizens
health in general ,Crop rotation must be considered to reduce the impact
during these crucial months .The weather in November. December. is playing
truant, raising levels to unbelievable levels .Transport is definitely a
 great contributor to pollution to the extent 28%. The electric buses are
still awaited in numbers required; The diesel fuel is another culprit. The
dust from buildings adds to these causes .Internal burnings of wastes

cannot be controlled at micro levels .Hence industry,  general public, Govt
agencies must work untidily

It is unfortunate that Parliamentary committee had to be cancelled due to
lack of quorum, as only  four out of 28 members present. Many M.P`s MLA`s
across parties were not too keen to attend ,occupied  as they were with
more mundane acts elsewhere .No quick fix solution are possible and the
efforts must be consistent round the year, with  long term plans.

The monitoring  authority is vital    must be of  non political activists,
and  technical persons. It could release monthly measures adopted. and
strictly monitor the implementations of specific targets with better co
ordination. Could a Green party make debut in political horizon to take
measures at higher levels and more seriously. Apart from Delhi other Indian
cities are also equally bad ,as far as air quality is concerned, but that
is no satisfaction to dilute  Delhi problems. Delhi  is trying its  best to
control internal sources , but it is external sources that are serious
cause of concern and beyond its scope, The efforts of China and measures
adopted by it need a closer look in applications of effectiveness

At the moment the buck is passed, as predominantly  a State subject to
portray AAP in Delhi in bad light to earn political mileage and politicians
squabbling or  resorting to blame game at the drop of hat, while people

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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