Our great nation has very sadly been witnessing turmoil and mayhem in the
last few months of 2019. Rightly there has been a people’s uprising across
the country against the basic tenets of our Constitution being fudged and
fiddled with.

As we enter 2020, let us all solemnly vow to ensure that our India remains
absolutely secular and very tolerant to all faiths and beliefs.

We must always firmly believe that Temples, Mosques and the Churches
besides other places of worship should be our focal points to unite diverse
communities instead of creating rifts amongst us. We are after all children
of that one loving and extremely tolerant God.

The Social and Political arena cannot be about personalities or religious
and caste differences. It is much more than that! We need to rectify the
current willful neglect and stagnation of our nation by ensuring that we
have politicians of competence, honesty, dedication, experience and
selfless determination above all else.

Mere good governance is not enough. It has to be pro-people and pro-active.
Good governance is putting people at the centre of the development process
with openness and transparency. Reviving our economy which is in the
doldrums has to be our one and only top priority.

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