Why didn’t he do it?

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> On 19-Jan-2020, at 11:45 PM, Stephen Dias <steve.dia...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This article has reference to Veronica Fernandes's 8 article appeared in
> section of press.
> Those who have seen Portuguese era in Goa will definitely understand what i
> am seeing. If Goa was not invaded in 19th December 1961 we would have been
> until now happiest people than any other state of India.
> I have lived in Goa all my childhood as i have turned in this August 2019,
> 75 years of age. Goans those who lived during Portuguese regime would know
> the difference between Indians and Portuguese.
> We used to sleep with doors and windows open without even thinking that our
> houses would rob by thieves because those days we did not have thieves
> compared to now. People were sincere and happy go lucky. Surely Goans never
> taught we would be liberated but some few selfish elements as they are
> called Sathyagra who were instigated to conquer Goa and hence invasion took
> place which Goans were never expected.  Article by Veronica is enclosed
> here for the readers to read. It was published in some of the section of
> press.
> Had India tried to invade Goa earlier and had Salazar been a bit
> magnanimous and rational to the freedom struggle of Goans in Portugal we
> would have been a separate nation like Timor.
> Present CM Pramod Sawant does not know of Goan history and culture as his
> ancestors were from Maharashtra.
> Stephen Dias
> Goa
>> On Sat, 18 Jan 2020, 12:40 A. Veronica Fernandes, <averonicaf...@hotmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> *Referring  to the news item in the local media on 15th of this month
>> where CM Pramodh Sawant who like a real "kalcho Poircho Pot'to" in his
>> kiddy statement accused the then Premier of India Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru,
>> saying “Nehru delayed Goa’s liberation by 14 years”.  Let me confess
>> saying "Let the Heaven and Stars bear the testimony to the truth that I am
>> writing now". As a genuine Goan my love for Goa is not of the one whose
>> roots are outside Goa and I feel by delaying 14 years to annex Goa, Nehru
>> government has saved us Goans from experiencing another 14 years of corrupt
>> rule and disgraceful administration under the corrupt Bharati system. At
>> least our elders escaped from another 14 years of misrule, another 14 years
>> of sleepless nights out of fear for the robbers, during those 14 years they
>> lived a fearless life from the murderers as these murderers were kept well
>> checked of their nasty movements by the strict Portuguese laws, in other
>> words 14 years of peaceful life.  Our CM who was a kid then should know
>> that Goa was not liberated by Nehru but Goa was conquered by the Congress
>> Government headed  by Nehru.  At least some of our elders were lucky to
>> enjoy better life and better administration under the Salazarist regime of
>> Portugal for 14 more years even though I dislike Salazar’s dictatorship and
>> hate colonialism over my Goa from any one, either from local or foreign
>> governments.*
>> *We suffered less from the Portuguese regime but now under the Bharati
>> regime we are suffering more.  At least under dictatorial Portugal when
>> promises were given to fulfill our requests they were immediately fulfilled
>> but in the so called democracy of Bharat where the democratically elected
>> Premier Modi during his election campaign at Merces roundabout promised us
>> the Special Status and immediately after his victory shamelessly refused to
>> honour his promise. Who is better, dictator Salazar or democratic Modi?  I
>> think “it is better to be a master in the Hell than a slave in Heaven”.
>> Portuguese should have been evicted from Goa but definitely not to replace
>> by the local Portuguese – to quote Mahatma Gandhi.*
>> *Sawant further said because of these 14 years Goa lacked in the field of
>> Military knowledge.  No doubt Goa missed 14 years of its involvement in
>> Military but surely even then Goa acquired laurels in the appointments of
>> so many Generals and even the  Chief of Indan Army.*
>> *     A.Veronica Fernandes.*

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