Interesting article!

On Tue, 4 Feb. 2020, 6:56 pm V M, <> wrote:

> Albert Einstein referred to Mahatma Gandhi when saying, “generations
> to come will scarce believe that such a man ever in flesh and blood
> walked on this earth” but the sentiment applies equally to Bhimrao
> Ramji “Babasaheb” Ambedkar.
> If ever there was a right person in the right time and place, it was
> this remarkable scholar and warrior for social justice, whose personal
> imprint is evident throughout the Indian constitution which celebrated
> its 70thanniversary earlier this week. That historic milestone was
> commemorated by countless young citizens in public rallies across the
> country, standing together to voice anew its stirring, timeless
> aspirations: justice, liberty, equality, fraternity.
> Ambedkar had no illusions about what he helped to put together with
> hundreds of members of the Constituent Assembly. He said, “the
> constitution is not a mere lawyer’s document, it is a vehicle of life,
> and its spirit is always the spirit of the age” while cautioning, “if
> I find [it] being misused, I shall be the first to burn it.”
> Thus, seventy years on, it’s immensely moving to witness India’s
> youngest adults defending constitutional values against sustained
> assault from the country’s own leadership, especially via the
> Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA).
> As the activist-author Harsh Mander puts it, “this long night of
> darkness has suddenly been interrupted by bursts of light in every
> corner of the land...The popular movement led by India’s young for
> solidarity, for Hindu-Muslim unity, for a just and kind country, is
> picking up the unfinished business of the freedom struggle.”
> In fact, the marvelously inclusive resistance spilling so much energy
> and excitement into India’s public spaces is substantially
> Ambedkarite, which is why his portrait and his constitution are its
> natural rallying points. It was very revealing that when Ram Guha -
> the great Gandhi biographer – was aggressively dragged away
> mid-television-interview by the Bangalore police last December, he was
> holding up an Ambedkar poster.
> There would seem to be an inherent paradox when a document of supreme
> law – for that’s what a national constitutions is - simultaneously
> seeks to nurture and abet revolution. Yet, it’s what Ambedkar sought
> to deliver, saying at the time, “How can people divided into several
> thousands of castes be a nation? The sooner we realise that we are not
> as yet a nation in the social and psychological sense of the world,
> the better for us…Without fraternity, equality and liberty will be no
> deeper than coats of paint.”
> No one understood those nuances better than this lifelong campaigner
> against discrimination, whose birth into the Mahar caste (treated as
> untouchables in Hinduism) provided perspective and motivation for his
> life’s work. He made himself an unstoppable force: the first South
> Asian to earn a  foreign doctorate in economics – at Columbia
> University in New York – which he capped with another one from the
> London School of Economics, while also being called to the Bar at
> Grey’s Inn, then serving as independent India’s first Minister for Law
> and Justice.
> With the hard-won lessons of that astonishing life journey embedded
> throughout its logical and legal framework, Ambedkar’s document is a
> foremost example of what the UK-based legal scholar Upendra Baxi
> describes as “a transformative constitution” in “pursuit of the
> politics of human hope” that “may, in some contexts of history, carry
> a transformative burden, character, or potential.”
> Several years ago, Baxi wrote that this aspect of transformative
> constitutions (he also classifies those of South Africa and Brazil in
> this category) become especially potent when adopted by “the voices of
> human and social suffering” and “communities of resistance.” This is
> precisely what’s underway at this juncture across the vast diversity
> of India, accompanied by the mass rallying of the most politically
> marginalized and disenfranchised segments of the electorate.
> Where will all the tumult lead? No one knows, and it’s impossibly
> difficult to say. One fact that isn’t going to change is the BJP
> leadership of Narendra Modi and Amit Shah continues to possess an
> unassailable majority in Parliament, and the egregious, unnecessary
> implosion of the Congress Party has left it no serious nationwide
> opposition. Shah keeps declaring, “we will not budge an inch on CAA”
> and there’s no reason to disbelieve him.
> In the meanwhile, his ruling disposition has become haughtily imperial
> in its peremptory actions, in an astonishing breakdown of due process,
> amidst widespread trampling of individual and collective rights.
> One bizarre but illustrative example played out at warp speed this
> week, after the politically-minded comedian Kunal Kamra mildly harried
> the regime’s favourite media attack dog, Arnab Goswami, on a flight,
> and posted the video on social media. He was quickly banned by several
> airlines, and possibly the national rail network as well. The veteran
> editor Tony Joseph tweeted, “The story is no longer about
> inconveniencing someone on an aircraft. It is about unwarranted,
> illegal, dictatorial misuse of state power against an individual.”
> Ambedkar predicted just this when he delivered his constitution,
> warning “in India, Bhakti or what may be called the path of devotion
> or hero-worship, plays a part in its politics unequalled in magnitude
> by the part it plays in the politics of any other country in the
> world. Bhakti in religion may be a road to the salvation of the soul.
> But in politics, Bhakti or hero-worship is a sure road to degradation,
> and to eventual dictatorship.”

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