Wendell Rodricks (1960-2020)
Some personal recollections -

Wendell and I were not close friends but we enjoyed a warm comradeship
forged by our love of Goa and Goemkarponn. Goa was the bond that
instinctively brought us together.

Our friendship began in 2006 when I threw my hat into the churn to preserve
Goa’s land, environment, and the Goan identity. Those were the early years
when the three came under renewed assault from Goa’s own politicians and
the flood of Indian invaders wanting a slice of the Golden Goa pie.

Wendell’s was a passionate voice speaking out against the nakedly corrupt
plans that were being drawn up for Goa. He practiced what he preached,
often declining invitations to functions and refusing to be associated with
entities he knew to be inimical to Goa’s interests. Sometimes it meant he
had to take a personal financial hit. This took both character and courage.

Over the years, our shared love of the land of our forefathers strengthened
our association. He also took a keen interest in my photography and the
manner in which he expressed appreciation revealed his generosity of
spirit. He went a step further - he made a large purchase of my photographs
and featured them in his splendid book MODA GOA.

Wendell had a keen eye for detail and a finely developed nous for beauty.
He could tell good imagery when he saw it. As great artist himself, in a
visual medium, he recognized that quality photographic work is not simply a
matter of a “click.” To this day, Wendell remains the ONLY GOAN who has
bought my images (on the other hand, several Goans have stolen my photos,
some have even passed them off as their own).

I regret now that I never did a portrait session with Wendell. In 2012 he
invited me to lunch at his beautiful house in Colvale where I met his
engaging partner Jerome. On that occasion he gifted me a signed copy of
MODA GOA. A quick snapshot of Wendell signing his book is the only
photograph I have.

Over the years we exchanged emails a few times a year. In one of his last
emails in Nov 2019, reacting to photos in one of my blog posts, he wrote:
From: Wendell Rodricks (wendellrodri...@gmail.com)
Date:Monday, November 25, 2019, 04:50 AM GMT
Dear Rajan,
Beautiful. I have seen Iceland through your lens. Need to now visit
Thank you for showing me Iceland
Sent from my iPad Pro

With sadness, I say goodbye to this beautiful soul, a truly genuine
article, a great son of Goa.

Rajan Parrikar
Feb 13, 2020

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