Speculation is ripe over the corona virus scare and endemic  nature.  The
virus originated in Wuhan in China. Rumours latched on to spread from bats
and Pangoline and strange taste of food  habits by the Chineese. The
foreign Nations  are giving a new twist and rumour mongers are agog that is
an accidental leaked cloned virus  fuelling biological warfare engineering
The strain of Corona Virus has potently enhanced capacity .It is less
lethal and more contagious, which does augur well for biological weapon.It
is also showing decline of spreading, and may be also because of seclusion
and containment steps. There are doubts of period of isolation of 14 days,
instead of safer period of 48 days. The cases reported outside geographical
boundaries are not in contrast with those fatalities reported in China. It
therefore scientifically correct to state that China is fudging and lying
on number of fatalities The weapon  laboratories are not set up in heavily
residential localities but often far away, isolated locations and even
underground . Wuhan does not fit these parameters, but there are rumours
that it spread from that laboratory and Wuhan food market became a
scapegoat It is also true that there is a research  and development
laboratory and funded by the Chineese Govt.  Specialist  agree that
biological  weapon engineering first concentrate on vaccine and antidote
The effective vaccine as an antidote can take anything from nine months
.The inclusion of molecules that latch on  are courted as proof of

1.       The isolation of China is hitting its economy the most. It has
taken very swift action  to control its spread and treatment There is
sudden decline in its contagiousness and fatalities .The world is concerned
and alarmed at spread and precautionary measures

2.       Nelson Lopes  Chinchinim

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