It is  a thought provoking issues that also set me thinking. A number of Goan  
English dailies seem to  provide  ample space and favour  letter writers from  
outside  the state and far beyond.  Extensive  coverage and regular  publicity 
appears to enhance the popularity of local dailies , giving the impressions of 
wider circulation.The truth is that such places do not have the outreach of 
circulation  of Goan dailies .The writers i believe scout the internet for 
their published views and do not  even  subscribe to the dailies, wherein they 
enjoy constant exposure The content is not the point of discussions, but the 
moot  question is whether the  reserved space or columns go blank because of 
lack of contributions from locals for whom the local dailies exists, There can 
be some space devoted to international and national readers views  sometimes 
but frequently featuring their views  deserves serious re considerations.  I 
believe  that they hardly  are  patronised by papers in the place of their 
It is not a parochial attitude but regular and frequent exposure , excluding 
local contributors needs a rethink. Let better sense prevail and encourage 
local and  new  writers to express It also appears that some  writers are like 
correspondents of dailies finding almost daily exposure which is undesirablein 
public   interests. No dailies around  many countries  decrease this precious 
space, which is most popular with readers for any reasons nor   press takes a 
holiday on Sundays. It is the forum where public can air their grievances 
common to others, who might not air them. I express these thoughts after much 
hesitation and reluctance knowing well too  that it will be fodder for waste 
paper basket Fortunately the social media platform is providing an alternative 
wherein the members are in thousands. There were times when letter writers were 
provided a complimenatry copy of the daily featuring their views. A foreign 
paper wrote back stating that the views are long but not to be discouraged and 
continue to express Such courtesies are not part of our culture  The reserved 
space  has to be filled and hence the paper is not doing any special  is  
favour to writers anyway Some writers   undoubtedly  enjoy readers appreciation 
because of feed back they receive
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim
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