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Bhandare's not-so-hidden agenda.

The cat is out of the bag. The pretensions to the contrary didnt quite work. 
Rather shamlessly, Bhandare has been made to own up to  a virulent 
ideology.An adherent to an exclusivist, xenophobic, supremacist, fascist 
ideology cannot be, but a pathetic product of his/her upbringing in these 
times and age.
Poor chap perhaps, thought that by denigrating another religion and its 
leaders, he would add up to white-washing the glaring deficiences in his 
own. Fortunately, that approach didnt quite rub off on anyone. All it ended 
up doing is  reveal a facinorous mindset  apt at intellectual masturbation.

Irrespective of what Frederick has to say in his ultra-liberatarian avataar, 
I must add that a person blatantly subscribing to a fascist political 
ideology, that at best,seeks to treat another as a second class citizen 
relegating to the periphery of mainsteam society, merely on account of his 
or her relgious beliefs should not only be banished from a decent forum but 
should be seen as doing so.  Such persons are too dangerous to be 
accomodated in a healty debate, for all that they do is go on a tangent and 
deflect attention fom the core issues on the table.

Typical of his political mentors. They revel in political dishonesty with 
their infinite capacity for double standards and chicanery whilst standing 
high on a lofty moral pedestal.  Scan the works of Advani, Parrikar or even 
Vajpayee. You will find them crafting appealing words and cliches to 
conveniently suit the target audiences at different times. They are all good 
and bad at the same time, albeit to different constituencies.

Bhandare seems ditto. He has striven to equate his ideology with 
Christianity. All too often, he has reorted to questioning the Church and 
its leaders whilst merrily glossing over the past and more importantly, the 
present of his favourite organisation. What seems to have escaped his 
attention is that the church has publicly expressed its remorse and even 
apologised wherever applicable, whereas the RSS whose cause he is espousing 
has neither condemned nor apologised for the mayhem and destruction that has 
resulted as a direct consequence of that vicious ideology. On the contrary, 
they are actively pursuing their wicked agenda, the result of 
which--physical, emotional social, political and religious damage-- is for 
all men of goodwill to see.  (Comprehend  V. Gadgil's article to start 
with). It is precisely because of such lumpen elements that the same goes 

Bhandare cries wolf when Churchill and his associates stop the screening th 
admittedly fictional Da Vinci Code but doesnt take to task who violently 
attack M F Hussain for his art on Hindu Godesses. He questions Pope's 
so-called attempt at keeping the paedophile investigations secret but leaves 
the banning of several books in India, including the Babasaheb Ambedkar's 
'Riddles of Hinduism' beyond his myopic vision. He pleads to engage in a 
'proper' debate without injecting Savarkar, Chowgules,Fontainhas,Jhabua 
rapes,Sanvordem riots,burnings, ets. etc. but doesnt justify their 
What has spawned the above?. Who is preparing the pitch?
It doesnt require much intelligence to see through this madness.  Pity, we 
have such bigots in our midst.
Bhandare, dont delude yuorself by such silly games at self-amusement. Grow 
up and be a beacon of hope than a miserable wretch cocooning in the safety 
of a foreign land.

J Mario E Fernandes

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  • R... Jesus Mario B. Fernandes
    • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया

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