Tensing Rodrigues has for quite a long time been publishing a series of
articles in the Navhind Times called Konkanapurana.

This is quite a detailed exposition on how Goa got populated from the
earliest times. He uses a vast variety of sources to buttress his

It appears that this series of articles will end up as a book, but even if
for some reason this doesn't happen, the Konkanakhyan articles, although
inconvenient to consult, will provide a good overview of the historical and
geographical developments that resulted in the Goa of today.

The latest article is called 'Peopling the Komkan Coast' (see the link
above) whereas last week the controversial Parshuram was in the limelight.

Tensing's writing can at times be a bit dense and difficult to read,
sometimes because of the unfamiliarity of the subject to a lay reader;
sometimes for trying to pack in too much information into individual
sentences; and sometimes for silly reasons - for eg, in the latest article
I took more than 10 minutes to realise that AMH meant 'anatomically modern
humans' because he hadn't bothered to place the acronym AMH after the term
when it first appeared.

However for those interested in this area of study I'd highly recommend the
Konkanapurana articles.


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