On 30th January, 2020  World Health Organisation  declared Corona virus COVID 
19 as PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY   and on 11th March, 2020 as PANDEMIC .   
The Union Budget session commenced on 31st January  2020 and the General Budget 
proposals presented on 1st February, 2020 . A recess was in place from 12th 
February, 2020 to 1st March 2020.  Second  session commenced on 2nd March, 2020 
and was to continue  until  3rd April 2020 for discussion and passing :the 
same;  but both Houses of Parliament adjourned sine die and prorogued on 23rd 
March, 2020. in view of rise of  the corona virus cases internationally and in 
the country. 

In Goa the  State Assembly Budget session commenced on 3rd February, 2020 and 
ended on  7th February, 2020  the Budget proposals as is the practice will be 
discussed and passed later during  the monsoon session  

As the COVID19 cases began slowly but steadily rising  in the country the PM of 
India gave a clarion call for a self-imposed 14 hr -  JANTA - (peoples) curfew 
on Sunday, 22nd March 2020 ( remain indoors ) . The Govt of Goa after several 
postponements cancelled the Zilla Panchayat elections slated for 24th March, 
2020   and locally  extended the JANTA curfew until Gudi Padva the Hindu New 
Year 25th March, 2020 (public holiday) . 

The unabated rise of +ve cases in the country nearly 500;odd and rising the  PM 
 announced a  further  21 day complete lockdown from 24th March 2020 upto 14th 
April, 2020.  Immediately thereafter economic packages were announced by the 
Finance Ministry Govt of India on 26th March, 2020 and later by the Reserve 
Bank of India on 27th March, 2020 by and large offering economic largesse as 
well as reprieve for all taxation matters upto 30th of June, 2020.
It will thus be seen that despite the hectic calendar of financial activities 
both Govt of India and Govt of Goa initiated measures to check the 

A visit to websites of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Govt of India 
www.mohfw.gov.in,  Directorate of Health services  Govt of Goa 
www.dhsgoa.gov.in  and  Goa  Legislative Assembly and the Executive Govt of Goa 
on  www.goa.gov.in/covid-19 or Directorate of Information and Publicity Govt of 
Goa   www.dip.goa.gov.in the Union Finance Ministry Govt of India 
www.finmin.nic.in and the RBI  www.rbi.org.in stands a mute testimony,

It must be noted that even the first two World Wars had not affected as many 
countries as this new corona virus COVID-19 super spreader does.

For a country with a population of 130 crores including   population  of over 
15 lacs in Goa there is obviously bound to be initial chaos.  Yet the series of 
measures taken are indeed  notable and exemplary Rember the old adage from  
CHAOS   comes ORDER.

Notwithstanding the fake news loose gossip spread on the print and visual media 
 also social media what sapp face book  twitter at  state national and 
international  level  one needs to separate the chaff from the grain . 

GODFREY J. I. GONSALVES, cyber journo social activist BORDA, MARGAO, 403 602, 
GOA. (INDIA) +91 98221 58584 (24 HRS) gonsalvesgodfre...@yahoo.co.in

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