Frederick Noronha <>

provides a link to the Covid 19write up in Scroll.




Now that this nasty virus hasreached Asia's largest slum- Dharavi in Mumbai 
home to over 1 million people living in close proximity,Dr. N Devadasan author 
of the subject article in  may think thathe spoke too soon.
A striking thing about thisvirus is what my doctor told me: Tests in her 
hospital indicated that of the 150 people who tested positive for the virus 
almost one third were asymptomatic.Infected people are asymptomatic but 
contagious while the virus is incubating,which could be a few days. And 
reportedly here are infected contagious people who exhibit no symptoms. So she 
advised me: Act like everyone you meet is contagious and stay away from any 
gatherings like Church services. Apparently most of her Covid 19 patients come 
from one church.

New York has been hit hard by thevirus. Governor Andrew Cuomo said the other 
day on National TV, New York wouldneed at least 30,000 ventilators and 
additional Hospital capacity. 
So it isinteresting to read an article in the New Yorker about their views on 
whatcould be expected when the virus gets to India. This write up includes the 
views of Ramanan Laxminarayan, an epidemiologist and economist who directs the 
Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics, and Policy in Washington, D.C., and who 
is currently in New Delhi.

How COVID-19 Will Hit India


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