you will pass by just once As time passes. natural to forget, Don’t repent or regret, Best of relations do unwind, loved ones , friends any kind . How long can one cry, It is futile to yearn and try, The tears like a spring dry, Never seek an answer as to why, gloom replaced by shared moments of joy Rationalisation a reality not a ploy Cannot feel , see , touch or hear Physically far but in mind space so near The desire and wishes to recall, The best of moments we shared all, Ruminating over past not the way, Do not cry over spilt milk they say. Some phase out young or old age Relieved of misery from agony cage , Need to move on. turn the next page, Born to die ,accept like a wise sage, separation wounds , a deep pain No matter how you try life is never same again , Faith and trust ushers in peace of mind, Eternal life only thro prayers we find. Universal truth of life and death, Life and death is just a breath , Accept the reality ,solution best, Sooner than later , all must rest. The best in life when alive do share Love, concern all you wish &care express gratitude and praise when alive, Fond Memories for both will long revive, No remorse or feeling of guilt , Wnen relations on strong foundations built. Always act as if the chance last, Repent not or be downcast over past The good you can do just once No rewind , opportunity for another chance Nelson Lopes Chinchinim 5-4-2020 Sent from my iPhone Sent from my iPhone