Corona must be defeated 

virus has claimed thousands of lives
Lakhs are infected ,  unabated  virus thrives
Wuhan in China ,where it all began
Spain ,Italy ,USA ,Korea infected in  a short span.

Biological warfare exercise  its a doubt
Beijing, Shangai    free , why they shout,
Wuhan is back to normal ,free 
China is secretive, all agree.

God and prayers ,cure for ill,
No vaccine in sight   ,drug ,or pill,
 virus  strikes  young and old at will ,
World is under lockdown standing still.

People are frightened    ,avoid contact,
Use signs ,phones ,masks as a matter of fact,
Stay ar home ,use sanitisers to keep health intact,
Exercise , activities  best means to distract.

Poor ,daily workers ,unemployed are lost,
Survive with painful needs at all cost,

Here and there ,food ,shelter and aid,
Govt mandating full wages to be paid.

The virus is hard on sick and old,
The young lucky to fight and hold,
Facilities are stretched to limit,
Govt does its best  what  can permit.

Corona is defying scientific might,
The cure and vaccine not  in sight,
World is facing its   worst survival test,
 Avoiding rapid spread of contagious pest.

doctors, scientists  trust  in God’s hand,
Might of  power of science   , in helplessness stand ,

World in distress ,no power to cure,
Wrath of Corona continues for sure,

Divine message to return  and repent ,
 All Energies on  worldly pleasures  spent,

The nature & environment   is ravaged by  man,
Clear sign, pollution of nature impose ban,
Economies of world   down and low,
Revival painful, a challenge  slow.

At times , concerns ,how the poor to feed,
Billionaires, millionaires ,lower  appetite for greed,
The well fare of nation ,citizens ,a priority ,
Unity among parties ,citizen  a rare opportunity .

 In a   symbolic  gratitude, medical staff  gets applause and praise, 
insurance cover and salary two states raise,
Both at work and outside  deserve  appreciation
immense sacrifices ,seek co operation not gratification,

The end of this scourge is far from over,
long  and painful ,need stay at home cover,
Divine will surely inspire antidote,
Have trust ,faith, it is near not remote,

All citizens have to play their role,
Not demand ,insist on Govt dole,
Display charity ,compassion  for migrants need
Sacrifice personal greed , agree one to feed

Nelson Lopes. Chinchinim

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