Prayers,  a weapon against Covid19.

USA recommends prayer a means  to banish covid away,

Modi  also used astrological belief to keep Covid at bay,

 Brazil, faithful kneel in a long chain to pray on street,

In Italy Blessed Sacrament in car procession, residents greet.

Nations and humans, gone out of their wits,

Medical fight against virus is almost quits,

Science and doctors are fighting this ill,

Virus is defying, vaccine, drug or pill,

Virus spreading rapidly like wild fire,

Virologist unable to break its attire,

Corona is challenging, human efforts best,

Providing no comfort,  remains adamant and at rest

Repent and turn to God  for relief and aid,

 No religious leader  disabled the virus or  way laid.

Price for destroying, environment, air, water  and land

A fervent call to Divine to extend His merciful hand

Powerful humans lost race, corona to kill,

The tiny, contagious virus strikes at will,

Pray, for Divine intervention, to inspire vaccine as pill,

Animals regain space, as frightened world stands still,

 Nations understand the power of prayers to heal,

 Massive human efforts so far, unable to deal,

Listen humbly, in trust and silence do  pray,

God Almighty to command, banish the scourge away.

Humans in search of luxury have put God on hold,

Belief  in own strength and power, nature to uphold,

The damage to life, economy  is greater than wars of past,

Pray that  effects and consequences may not long  last,

The world ignores that earth is not  a permanent home,

 Animals like humans ,enjoy same freedom to roam,

God is placed on pedestal up above and far,

 Man has distanced from Divine by wall of mental bar.

The wrath of God for virus to  vanish and disappear,

Pray with humility, love not deadly fear,

Prayers alone have the power to put to an  end

Death, sufferings that no science can attend.

Man is drunk with absolute power and pride,

God is watching patiently from the side,

Humans have failed by teachings to abide,

Kneel down ,  sing hHis praises that scourge may subside

Temples, churches, mosques are closed and away,

>From the confines of homes we need to pray,

When we sing his glories, thank and praise

He will provide relief, our belief and hope raise

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim


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