When lockdown was declared the administration was supposed to ensure supply
of food and medecines. However there seemed to be no administration because
there was no clear cut policy/plan, orders kept changing, police started
checking, intimidating even pharmacists/ shopkeepers/ essential labor going
to  serve the senior citizens/ people. Suddenly petrol pumps closed/giving
petrol only to people with passes. There are no newspapers and Panchayats
supposed to supply items/home delivery no where in sight/ available on the
phone. Supply trucks/vans stopped and stores ran out of goods. Such a mess,
worse than when demonitization was declared. No excuses acceptable to the
people for causing them such avoidable distress. Daily wage/ labourers,
kirana stores very badly hit. Things have improved as people and NGOs have
taken over and government slowly getting its act together as usual! Let us
pray lifting of lockdown graduslly and sensibly by government with the
people in close cooperation will render help to every person big or small
urgently required! As long as people are not going for a joy ride, wear
mask, keep social distancing, are disciplined and orderly, only one or two
in a vehicle, few persons permitted into a shop/mall at a time, police help
required, not terrorized checking. In fact police could go around with
loudhailers informing where fruit/veg available and shops/stores/ petrol
pumps open. Not everyone knows how to access information on the net. News
papers could easily be supplied with due precautions, organization and
proper protocal. Anything to better fight Covid and deseminate information
and dessimate rumours scaremongering should be considered! We don't want to
die of malnutrition or weakened immune system before Covid gets us. This is
the year of the Rat. We  are all in hiding from Corona, we only come out to
get food and store at home to eat later and run away when people come close
to us. Reminder that in life even if we win the rat race, we still remain a

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