Continuation of faith 

A interesting cartoon is going  viral
Satan is taunting God that he has closed Churches ,God in His reply   says that 
he has just opened a church in every house.
The unprecedented shut down has denied the faithful the traditional worship on 
days of obligation and most importantly the ceremonies of Holy week .There is a 
void  in our feelings   ,unable to observe centuries old rituals of our faith .
Our  ecclesiastical authorities have filled the vacuum to practice  our  faith 
,uninterrupted  snd in keeping with times .Eucharistic celebration is streamed 
live almost daily   by many parishes of Goa , apart   from other international 
and National channels.
Goan catholics feel more at home and comfortable with our own culture ,they 
say.  Participation without receiving eucharist is incomplete  as we 
understand. The meaningful expression of our desire and inability to do so 
shows our  pain in adjustment .It may continue for long and that is the  test 
and resilence of  our  strong faith.
Aware of the the huge cost of uploading   I casually asked a PP as to who is 
funding this religious responsibility. God provides ,as a parishioner  does it 
all for the benefit of catholics   .Surprisingly there is not even a whisper 
for donations and that is the beauty of our resolve.
Our prayers   ,worship is community based and  not individually oriented
Hence attending to the services on TV does create discomfort being a deviation  
from centuries old customs and traditions  , practice.
I remember my old ,aged friends   and devout     catholics were regularly 
participating in mass over EWTN  . I often was sceptical about this exercise. 
and i could  not accept the validity in my own thoughts .I just left  the 
thoughts to escape ,as there was no alternative and church does not oblige   
normally celebrations at residences,
In today circumstances it us a different philosophy all together
We are grateful to all benefactors and our church authorities  for keeping our 
faith alive by feeding us with spiritual diet in am unique way
God is great and his ways are strange

praise and thank God

SALUTE n PRAISE. the warriors of faith

Nelson Lopes  chinchinim 

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