Splendid narrative, practically allegorical!

Thank you

On Thu, Apr 23, 2020 at 8:21 PM V M <vmin...@gmail.com> wrote:

> https://www.dhakatribune.com/opinion/op-ed/2020/04/23/democracy-dies-in-darkness
> Long before the Washington Post adopted ‘Democracy Dies in Darkness’
> as its first official slogan in 140 years, the powerful phrase was
> associated with government skullduggery. It originated during
> Watergate, the stunning 1970s political scandal which resulted in the
> resignation of president Richard Nixon. Five decades later,
> resuscitated on the masthead of Jeff Bezos’s newspaper, it’s an
> enduring reminder that vigilance – and the sustaining transparency of
> daylight - is the eternal price for liberty.
> Immensely worrying then, with authoritarianism already on the rise,
> that the coronavirus emergency has plunged the world into virtual
> darkness. With checks and balances in disarray, alarming power grabs
> are underway in several countries.
> Hungary’s prime minister Viktor Orban has secured emergency powers
> giving him the right to rule indefinitely. A few days ago, the Israeli
> newspaper Haaretz accused Benjamin Netanyahu of perpetrating “a
> coronavirus coup” and editorialized that “Americans should beware a
> Trump who decides to emulate Netanyahu. The U.S. president, who now
> fancies himself a “Wartime President” with all the emergency powers
> that accompany the title, will go farther and more radical than
> Netanyahu would ever dare.”
> In Brazil and Chile, and closer to home in Thailand and the
> Philippines, there are inescapable indications of the emergence of
> autocracy. As Fionnuala Ni Aolain, the United Nations Special
> Rapporteur on counterterrorism and human rights recently warned, “We
> could have a parallel epidemic of authoritarian and repressive
> measures following close if not on the heels of a health epidemic.”
> In India, there are many disconcerting developments under cover of
> lockdown. The outspoken author and conservationist Prerna Bindra told
> me, “during the current crisis, there have been a number of official
> decisions which are of great concern, that undermine democracy.” She
> pointed out the government published its highly contentious draft
> environmental impact assessment notification to dilute its crucial
> public hearing component after the WHO confirmed that Covid-19 was a
> pandemic. Many environmentalists fear this is the backdoor
> regularization of massive violations.
> Bindra says, “while the country is caught in crisis mode, projects
> have been approved in and around sanctuaries, and crucial tiger
> habitats, including the pristine Western Ghats. Calling for public
> comments in this situation seems to be a mockery. How do the people in
> remote regions who are going to be impacted even know this process is
> going on? Where is the democracy in this? In my view, to prioritize
> these kinds of ecologically damaging projects, even as we know
> definitively that the root cause of such pandemics is the destruction
> of natural ecosystems, demonstrates dismal disregard for consultative
> processes as well as public health.”
> Earlier this week, the New York Times carried a trenchant opinion
> piece entitled, “In India, a Pandemic of Prejudice and Repression.”
> Its author, Siddharth Varadarajan, is an editor of The Wire, an
> independent-minded news website, about which he says, “At one point,
> we faced 14 defamation cases, all of them frivolous, seeking damages
> totaling $1.3 billion. The cases were filed by people who are either a
> part of the ruling establishment or considered close to it.”
> Even though state borders are closed, Varadarajan writes, “policemen
> were dispatched from Ayodhya to my home in New Delhi, 435 miles away,
> to summon me” even though, “they knew I would never be able to make it
> across state lines. They also knew I would be unable to approach the
> courts because of the lockdown, making me potentially liable to
> arrest.”
> The Editors Guild of India responded sharply, “No democracy anywhere
> in the world is fighting the pandemic by gagging the media” and
> Varadarajan notes “civil society outcry over this intimidation forced
> the police to backtrack.” But immediately afterwards, “the human
> rights activist Gautam Navlakha and Anand Teltumbde, a management
> professor and leading intellectual, were taken into custody last week
> under a draconian antiterrorism law on the flimsiest of evidence.”
> Just this week, the Editor’s Guild was forced to react again, as the
> acclaimed Kashmiri journalists Gowhar Geelani and Peerzada Ashiq were
> charged by the police in the normal course of their daily work, with
> their colleague, the brilliant 26-year-old photojournalist Masrat
> Zahra facing the  extraordinary accusation of “activities against the
> integrity and sovereignty of India” under the oppressive Unlawful
> Activities (Prevention) Act.
> This time, the apex journalist’s body said “Any recourse to such laws
> for merely publishing something in the mainstream or social media is a
> gross misuse of power. Its only purpose can be to strike terror into
> journalists.”
>  The day after she was charged, Zahra reacted poignantly on Twitter,
> “I am slowly learning what it means to be human. What it means to make
> mistakes and learn from them. How to stop running from what is heavy
> and uncomfortable in my life. How to understand that I cannot control
> life. I am slowly learning how to laugh and cry and feel through it
> all.”

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