For catholics  labour day has added significance because of St Joseph  who is  
remembered as  a humble carpenter supporting Mary and Child Jesus 
The Nation salutes the labourers for their valuable contribution to Nation 
building and to show them respect and enhance the dignity of labour
It is a paid holiday for all .The labour in general is skilled and semi skilled 
work force with training and withoutformal education,  as opposed to highly 
educated ,  professionals, who are secure and can demand their pound  of flesh 
with more bargaining power.
The  unskilled ,manual labour is one that is exploited ,as they are non 
unionised and no strong  voice  nor representation in the corridors of power. 
What  they demand is fair substantive wages and above all dignity for their 
services  and to be treated with due respect.
They also have families to support and own dreams and ambition for a  decent , 
comfortable life .They deserve recognition and appreciation and their work not 
taken for granted as  just paid service. These workers have no security and 
social benefits   to fallback  upon .The recent lockdown has highlighted their 
misery and plight .These lowly paid workers live in sub human conditions 
without  proper shelter, light , drinking  water and  health care
The labour day must  not only pay lip service  but put in place welfare 
measures in tune with human dignity. Their absence alone will open our eyes to 
the paralysing effect  on our  economy and our comfort living
The Nation must consciously assure them of fair living wages, dignity and 
supporting services
Merely paying lip service and verbal praise will not serve the purpose for 
which the day is observed  . The industrial labour may be slightly better than 
agriculture, construction workers The plight of underaged , children , mothers 
is pathetic ,The progress  and  development must touch the lives and living 
conditions of the last men in the chain .The life span of labourers is low due 
to health, sanitation and basic needs  of diet, shelter, clothing education and 
safe drinking water and electricity
Much is done and much more needs to be done. They are treated merely as vote 
banks, when their hopes aspirations are raised  and them forgotten till next 
The formalities of observation of labour day with ceremonies of pomp . laced 
with speeches will be meaningful when their basic needs are addressed and their 
dignity is restored as human beings to share in the national wealth as partners 
in development

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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