7) India's migrants deserve more  (Anish Esteves)

Here's an article that I wrote about India's migrant crisis. Feel free to
get back to me with your comments.


Anish Esteves
On 4 May 2020 15:24, <goanet-requ...@lists.goanet.org> wrote:

> Send Goanet mailing list submissions to
>         goanet@lists.goanet.org
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>         http://lists.goanet.org/listinfo.cgi/goanet-goanet.org
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>         goanet-requ...@lists.goanet.org
> You can reach the person managing the list at
>         goanet-ow...@lists.goanet.org
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Goanet digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>    1. Re: What does Joao want to say? (Mervyn Lobo)
>    2. Re: [Goanet-News] People@Goa: Pandemic obit (1918)... Goa
>       IITian... The Last Prabhu once more... stories from Amin's
>       Uganda... Goan music from Spain... hockey, Simon and computers
>       (Kadambari Gladding)
>    3. Excellent homily for today's Holy Eucharist celebration
>       (Devak Argham)
>    4. My Mango is better than yours (Mervyn Maciel)
>    6. Amchi Devi (eric pinto)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 4 May 2020 03:50:02 +0000 (UTC)
> From: Mervyn Lobo <mervynal...@yahoo.ca>
> To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
>         <goanet@lists.goanet.org>
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] What does Joao want to say?
> Message-ID: <225648031.486107.1588564202...@mail.yahoo.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
>  On Friday, May 1, 2020, 01:57:10 a.m. CDT, Joao Barros-Pereira <
> prakashlamani...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  In
> the Age
> of
> Corona Virus
> we
> know
> Karl Marx
> got it
> all wrong
> the
> fight
> isn?t
> among
> capitalists
> and
> workers
> the
> fight
> is
> among
> people
> who
> work hard
> and
> others
> who
> hardly
> work
> steal
> all the
> credit
> What does Joao want to say---------------------------
> -------------------------------------------------
> Joao,
> I think the fight is still between the workers and the capitalists.
> Capitalism, as practiced in the US this century, is dependent on the US
> Govt subsidizing the losses of private companies while the share holders
> divvy up all the profits.?
> In the age of the corona virus, the US threw a bone to the workers too.
> Dr. Death, AKA, Donald Trump sent $1,200 to every registered tax payer with
> the instructions to spend the same.?
> 30 million workers have lost their jobs in the US. 70,000 have lost their
> lives. Those getting the most help though, are the people who are losing
> their capital.?
> It always pays to have friends in high places.
> Mervyn
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Mon, 4 May 2020 04:48:55 -0700
> From: Kadambari Gladding <kadambari.gladd...@gmail.com>
> To: reply.goanet.n...@gmail.com
> Cc: Goanet <goa...@goanet.org>
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] [Goanet-News] People@Goa: Pandemic obit
>         (1918)... Goa IITian... The Last Prabhu once more... stories from
>         Amin's Uganda... Goan music from Spain... hockey, Simon and
> computers
> Message-ID:
>         <CAMArv-PsOhAjav3youwBUap-qbhiUt+8TQ4YzxvGux_SCuXLSg@
> mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> I love reading these compilations - thank you for all that you do.
> Love the story about Basilio.
> Best,
> Kadambari
> www.kadambari-r.com <http://www.kadambari-raghukumar.com>  +64 27 2349977
> New
> Zealand
> On Sun, 3 May 2020 at 12:22, Frederick Noronha <
> fredericknoron...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------
> > People@Goa * People@Goa * People@Goa * People@Goa * People@Goa *
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > NORONHA [moi...@netcabo.pt] points to the extract of the
> > obituary of her paternal grandfather sent to her by a friend,
> > and translated into English by her eldest grandson.
> >
> > It reads as follows:
> >
> >           6 October 1918 Dr. Adelino Licurgo Peres da Costa
> >           Stricken at his post of honour, he was buried in
> >           Curtorim, one of the villages most severely
> >           affected by this terrible pandemic, perhaps the
> >           second or third in this municipality.  Dr.  A.  L.
> >           Peres da Costa graduated in Medicine and Pharmacy
> >           at the Goa Medical School and held several official
> >           positions, such as health delegate at Diu and
> >           Dam?o, a sanitary inspector at Col?m and several
> >           commissions during the Spanish Plague (sic).  His
> >           death in the midst of such a severe crisis redeems
> >           him from any of the defects he shared with us all,
> >           and it is clear that his readiness, courage and
> >           assiduity always remained insuperable.
> >
> > She attached a photocopy of the original obituary of 1918.
> >
> > The obituary says that Curtorim village suffered severely
> > from this pandemic.  Livia says her paternal grandfather
> > probably died in Curtorim, and was survived by his wife and
> > three minor children, one girl and two boys -- her father
> > being the youngest.  She adds: "My grandmother, Adelina,
> > hailed from Vaddem, Socorro, Bardez (a strong Bardez woman)
> > My uncle was a civil engineer and worked in Karachi where he
> > died a bachelor, just when he had retired and was supposed to
> > settle in Goa, in 1962.  My father was a lawyer in Goa."
> >
> > She contacted Albert Gouveia [albert.gouv...@gmail.com], who
> > has been tracking the Gouveias of Goa, as her grandmum had
> > some Gouveia cousins in the family.
> >
> > * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
> >
> > has recently won the 2020 ACM SIGMOD Jim Gray Dissertation
> > Award for Computer Science.  Faleiro is nephew of long-time
> > Goanetter Valmiki Faleiro, his younger brother late Blasco's
> > son.  He did his schooling in Goa, is an IIT graduate and
> > much much more, not only absolutely brilliant but also very
> > low key.  Goa can be proud of him.
> >
> > https://cpsc.yale.edu/news/jose-faleiro-phd-2018-wins-
> 2020-acm-sigmod-jim-gray-dissertation-award
> >
> > * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
> >
> > THE LAST PRABHU, ONCE MORE: Switzerland-based Goan scientist
> > BERNARDO DE SOUSA [bedeso...@gmx.ch] has come out with the
> > second, completely revised edition of his book, The Last
> > Prabhu.  It deals with history, Aldona, DNA, comunidade
> > records, and how these supposedly disparate fields actually
> > tie-up.
> >
> > It can be ordered in both ebook and paperback formats from
> > the Amazon.com store.
> >
> > Amazon.com paperback formats are not available in India.  For
> > India, check Pothi.com store at https://pothi.com/pothi/node/200628
> >
> > Comments and questions can be addressed to him on his blog:
> > https://thelastprabhu.blogspot.com
> >
> > It's an interesting story of DNA, genetics or genetic
> > genealogy.  But it also focuses on the history, heritage, and the
> > Aldona village, among other issues.  See
> >
> > https://www.amazon.com/Last-Prabhu-Ancient-Documents-
> Migration/dp/1654075337
> >
> >           Sousa commented, in a Goa-Book-Club (Googlegroups)
> >           discussion: "A few readers sent messages saying
> >           that they enjoyed the book but found the parts
> >           dealing with genetics too scientific for their own
> >           academic background.  In my just-published second
> >           revised edition, I discuss the latest findings
> >           including results of my DNA using the most advanced
> >           DNA tests available to date -- with an emphasis on
> >           to date because progress does and should continue.
> >           I was able, for example, to put forward the
> >           approximate year when the gaunkari system was first
> >           established in Goa as determined by genetics.  I
> >           have simplified the explanations on genetic
> >           genealogy with more narrative and very few tables
> >           or graphs apparently with some success because
> >           Hunter Provyn, a Software Engineer/Data scientist
> >           turned Genetic Genealogist and Haplogroup
> >           researcher has just sent me a message saying: 'I am
> >           enjoying reading it and learning more about the
> >           history of South Asia and Goa.  I like how you have
> >           included explanations so that a beginner can
> >           understand the genetic genealogy concepts.  Also
> >           the out of Africa background information is
> >           relevant and I'm sure readers would find interesting'."
> >
> > See https://thelastprabhu.blogspot.com/ and
> > https://store.pothi.com/book/bernardo-elvino-de-sousa-last-prabhu
> >
> > * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
> >
> > photographer and videographer from Sto Estevam, writes: "I
> > was thinking of doing a few interviews of Goans who suffered
> > in Africa during the time of Idi Amin.  Do you know anyone
> > who I could interview with your help?" If you know someone
> > who left Uganda after Amin, currently based in Goa, please
> > put them in touch with William WhatsApp +91-98221 49577 or
> > williamrodrigues...@gmail.com
> >
> > * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
> >
> > AN ENVELOPE FROM CORONA-HIT SPAIN: Sometime in February 2020,
> > this unexpected envelope, with three Espana stamps, came my
> > way. On opening it, I realised that it came from an old
> > Goanet friend, the near-centurion BASILIO MAGNO.
> >
> > Besides a greeting card for the New Year, it contained the
> > following message:
> >
> >           My wife Rosi [Rosa Maria] died a year ago....  I
> >           live in a residencia where most inmates are on
> >           wheelchair or crutches.  I can walk well at 96 and
> >           half years.
> >
> > Magno also resent a copy of his song (music and lyrics)
> > called 'Come to Goa', which is done in four languages --
> > English, German, Spanish and Konkani:
> >
> >           I come from Goa-a, Go-a, If you don't know
> >           Ich komm aus Go-a, Goa-a, Falls du nicht weisst
> >           ven-go de Go-a, Go-a, Si tu no co-no-ces
> >           ganv mho-zo Go-a, Go-a, Zo-ri tum azun oi-ko-naim
> >
> > Magno is based at Aptdo 261, E-29740-Torre del Mar (Malaga)
> > Spain.
> >
> > * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
> >
> > UNEXPECTED CALL: It came through the other morning, and one
> > was surprised to hear SIMON D'SOUZA's voice.  D'Souza was the
> > former deputy speaker of the Goa Assembly.  While he was
> > there, I too was a young(ish) correspondent covering mainly
> > the Assembly and Goa government for the Deccan Herald in the
> > late 1980s and early 1990s. So, in a way, we knew each other.
> >
> > While we spoke, I was struggling to recall (forgetfulness)
> > where exactly I had recently heard Simon's name in an unusual
> > context. Then it came around. Basil Fernandes from Calangute
> > had said on a Goa computer WhatsApp group recently,
> > talking about access to early computers in Goa:
> >
> >           Simon D'Souza who was MLA of Vasco and SPDA
> >           chairman in the mid-80s was an engineer with [the
> >           UK firm] ICL then [the desi firm] ICIM in India...
> >
> > As we got talking, Simon mentioned his days in Bombay, his
> > yearly holidays in Goa, shifting here around 1962, and even
> > his intense enthusiasm in the world of Hockey. His contacts:
> > simonjud...@gmail.com or +91-98224-87832 (WhatsApp too)
> >
> > * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
> > Compiled and edited by Frederick Noronha +91-9822122436
> > * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
> > FN* ????????? ???????? * ??????? ???????? +91-9822122436
> > AUDIO: https://archive.org/details/goa1556
> > <https://archive.org/details/@fredericknoronha>
> > TEXT: http://bit.ly/2SBx41G PIX: http://bit.ly/2Rs1xhl
> > <http://bit.ly/2Rs1xhl>
> >
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Mon, 4 May 2020 13:16:54 +0530
> From: Devak Argham <devakarg...@gmail.com>
> To: goanet <goanet@lists.goanet.org>
> Subject: [Goanet] Excellent homily for today's Holy Eucharist
>         celebration
> Message-ID:
>         <CALZu7hv7HPjreAAvMTd1o=1VJCb48zh56cMSh7BHcfoBJSETOg@mail.
> gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> Very excellent homily by Fr. Manuel Dias at today's celebration of the Holy
> Eucharist.
> https://youtu.be/IRIz_qO2PJ8
> Worth watching to enlighten our thoughts. Also other homilies by him and
> found with CCRTV, are worth watching.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Mon, 4 May 2020 09:00:06 +0100
> From: Mervyn Maciel <mervynels.watuwasha...@gmail.com>
> To: "Estb. 1994! Goa's Premiere Mailing List"
>         <goanet@lists.goanet.org>
> Subject: [Goanet] My Mango is better than yours
> Message-ID:
>         <CAL65L0s_vY4orHD1avSvfXVPhM1SS2c0dHPRvi
> ck-fc1xqd...@mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> I've enjoyed reading VM's interesting article and the comments from
> Mervyn Lobo.
>   I just wanted to tell you what I remember of of our own mangoes in
> our Goa property. We had 5 different varieties and please forgive me
> if I've spelt them wrongly:
> 1. Mancurad
> 2. Bishop
> 3.Maldes or Malges?
> 4. Keo(Banana-shape sucking mango)
> 5.San.Anton(small-size mango ideal for pickle and ''korom')
> The keo was a very huge tree which produced hundred or
> possibly thousands of mangoes which hung out in bunches.
> My Grandmother had to hire a man to climb the very tall
> tree infested with red ants(umle). I remember the man taking
> a basket filled with fresh ash from the kitchen and spraying
> it wherever the ants appeared.
> Because of the large quantities of mangoes that this tree produced,
> my grandmother used to 'rent out' the tree to a Hindu lady
> on condition that she gave us 200 mangoes. As kids, we used
> to enjoy sucking these juicy mangoes during our holidays in
> Goa.
> The mancurad needs no further explanation as most Goans would
> have tasted these delicious and fleshy mangoes.
> The maldes(malges) was no match on the Mancurad but
> tasty. Slightly reddish on the outside.
> The Bishop mango was huge -the size of a coconut
> and was enough to satisfy many.
> The San Anton was was a smallish mango used mostly
> in fish curries and water pickle and 'miscut' making.
> I hope the last sends a few Goan mouths watering!!
> The Swahili word Embe(plural Maembe) stands for mango and Dodo
> possibly for the variety as I do remember Dodo mangoes
> from the Kenya coast.
> Mervyn Maciel
> ------------------------------
> Message: 5
> Date: Mon, 4 May 2020 13:18:21 +0530
> From: "John Eric Gomes" <joe...@dataone.in>
> To: "Goanet Lists" <goanet@lists.goanet.org>
> Message-ID: <7EA5C8725E1B4EE78C199EF323BDEA4C@xp>
> Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"
> With fanatics any civilised discussion or criticism is tabu. Before the
> lockdown our economy was already in dire straits, Modi along with invitee
> Trump could do no wrong. Both will blame Corona and will be credited for
> everything positive. The wrong priorities,"development" and government
> policies  worldwide led to climate change with no effective cap on
> pollution. Respected journalist Shekar Gupta has spelt out in detail how
> our government has incapacitated India! BeforeCorona struck, our economy
> was in a precarious state anyway with polarization of the nation and
> deteriorating law and order. Delhi riots and election dramas are now all
> forgotten with deadly Corona which has exposed the best and the worst in
> all of us! But it gave the Centre unfettered power and we lost all our
> freedom to challenge and advise what is in our interest, especially the
> poor and downtrodden not factored in before hasty sudden decisions. Fiats
> issued were rarely clear and clarifications came after sufferin
>  g and harsh action by the police! This does not condone the wrong actions
> by some public on doctors or breaking rules or belittle good work by some
> police. Unfortunately most media just laps up the hype and showmanship,
> except a few  channels which questions and exposes the truth versus the
> hype, which is rubished by the establishment! Tens of crores population
> lifted out of poverty since 1991 are now jobless and back in the
> wilderness! Many small industries have closed down. The Centre is micro
> managing the States and each one of us, what we can and cannot do. Whilst
> lauding the Police, their excesses are detriment to public confidence which
> requires prevention first, and lack of consideration  can be seen in the
> reported Goa police lockdown stastistics of total arrests made 1,187;
> vehicles seized 456; FIRs registered 655 and fines imposed Rs 40,16,800/-.
> With high petrol prices, surely most were not out for joy rides as
> requirements of people are varied . Rules cannot be made for
>  everything! Besides late government handouts not reaching when and where
> intended, what is the road ahead without more enslavement and total "we
> know what is good for you" without democratic constitutional and privacy
> norms! The government needs to consider all the criticism, advice,
> suggestions and help it can get? If Modi intends to be among the world
> leaders, realization that his perception has been fashioned by the RSS and
> he is behaving as PM of the BJP must reorient his thinking to what all
> Indians needs at this juncture.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 6
> Date: Mon, 4 May 2020 13:22:42 +0530
> From: eric pinto <ericpin...@yahoo.com>
> To: "estb. 1994! Goa's premiere mailing list"
>         <goanet@lists.goanet.org>
> Subject: [Goanet] Amchi Devi
> Message-ID: <a4f846a1-3642-4143-848f-b7acce4f2...@yahoo.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain;       charset=utf-8
>     He is ten and his mother labours for me.  What is the child?s name.
> he says, pointing to a picture.  Sita, I lie. He threw both arms into the
> air as he cried out aloud, amchi Devi amchi Devi. We Catholics need to
> appreciate that these everyday feeling are very prevalent and not to read
> politics and passion into many of the scenes that unfold on the nation?s
> stage today.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> End of Goanet Digest, Vol 15, Issue 277
> ***************************************

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