UK Goans taking the Bread out of Breadline Britain under cover of Covid 19

The press cutting service on Goan Voice UK dated 4 May 2020 featured an article 
by two community workers based in London,  Mr Jose Mendes and Ms Bella 
Fernandes who talk about   **** .. The newspaper cutting  has not gone down 
well with our community and viral on social media

The thirst for news in Goa about UK Goans has also been captured by the Goan 
Daily Newspaper in Goa which has become victim to fake news especially about 
cash being handed to our people during the Covid 19 hardship facing them. There 
is also a communication on with contact numbers, to date I have not 
heard of anyone receiving any assistance even the unaccountable fund raising 
appeals for one bed coffins to Goa to facilitate deceased Portuguese passport 
holders with no money has gone quiet.   I hope that the bereaved are no longer 
troubled with sobbing letters and crocodile tears for money.

The  basic staple food of our people is a  bowl of Goa rice, topped with 
coconut curry made using small fish with one bigger piece of fried fish on the 
side.  It is not really rice and lentils but this is a time when beggars cannot 
be choosers.   So for those of you who have received a share of red lentils, 
rice and chana dal from Jevon Randh has provided a step by step 
recipe in Konkani on how to cook delicious Goan Masoor Dal, click on the link 
below and turn up the volume:

At home, we have not been so fortunate and I have had my wrist slapped by Rose. 
  She said that if I had a “honey” tongue with, maybe we too would 
have been gifted a big bag of rice!  A big saving on our food bill, the cost of 
rice is equivalent to the cost of meat now.   She reminded me that “Honey” 
tongues not only attract rice, lentils and chana dal, they might have also been 
a HoneyBe Brandy bottle in the offering.  Still, we can’t all be winners in the 
game, although some have the luck to win hands down all the time.   With Goa 
Day being cancelled this year, rice normally being sold at the festival can be 
used for this purpose as food in the UK, once purchased, cannot be returned to 
the shop.

The GO.A. UK Ltd will have contacted our community through the Goan Chaplaincy 
, Village and other Goan Organisations  by now.    If you have had no 
communication contacts the Post Holders:

Ravi Vaz 07909 927539

Juliette DeMenezes-Costa 07958 537314

Richard Fernandes 07711 401157

Tino Goes 07821 900490

Bella Fernandes 07949 233307

Savio De souza 07918 693920


The United Kingdom Government has put in place considerable measures to help 
those who are in the unfortunate position of being out of work, not just the 
furlough scheme where employees are being retained by their employer on 80 per 
cent of their wages, assistance is also being offered in other ways.   Those 
struggling are being offered a mortgage holiday for three months and a credit 
card payment holiday for three months.   Assistance is also being given for 
those children who would have received free school meals, their parents are now 
being given an amount per day per child to cover their lunch in vouchers to 
redeem at a supermarket of their choice.

Further to that we also have the food banks like the Trussell Trust which hand 
out food parcels to those needy on production of a letter from their GP, Social 
Worker or such like.  

In Swindon, the  Goan Association formed there has set up a facility for 
voluntarily collecting  donations of spare tinned long lasting & dry food which 
is then distributed to those in need. If you need or would like to donate food 
please contact.

Town Centre

Nelson:07922 211439 Imtiyaz:07894542786 Veena 07514 819999 Robert: 07448251648

Corsehill Vaddo

Richard:07725 837128  John 07404 781663

Rodbourne Vaddo

Val:07404 490437

Walcot Vaddo

Sheila: 07720 978510 Newton:07827 885628

>From Southampton listen in to  Live Broadcasts  brought to you by Presenters  
>Roque and Bihula  Vaz Fridays 18:00 to 20:00  Europe’s Only Weekly  FM LIVE 
>Radio Broadcast ‘Konkani Uloi London Fuloi’ @ Awaaz Community Radio 99.8 FM 
>South also on your Mobile Cell Phone, Laptop computer and other digital 
>devices. In Birmingham DAB Radio channel 9A.

In Leeds West Yorkshire  Darren de Souza and his colleagues have organised food 
drops supporting people from all parts of Leeds, but particularly in some of 
the most deprived communities in England. They get their food donated from 
supermarkets like Tesco, Morrisons, Cook Leeds and St Georges Crypt . The 
service currently has 300 drops a week and is growing resulting in the need  to 
buy more food, especially fresh fruit and vegetables.

Touchstone  have opened a donation page so that more  food can be bought.   The 
service is run with the  help of staff and volunteers as well as support from 
Leeds City Council.

Part of the day job is to support people struggling with mental health 
difficulties and as a direct result of Covid 19  the teams are facing increased 
demands on their time so they are looking at ways they can secure funding to 
recruit additional staff.

Touchstone have opened a donation page so that if you want and can help please 
follow the link

Click below

Time is precious it’s how it’s used that matters I know we all have better 
things to do if only you can stop and do things better what a wonderful world 
we could be.

The contents of this post is Personal and should not be taken as any authority. 
For Information I am copying in The Goan and media to avoid any misinformation 
in future.

Melvyn Fernandes

Thornton Heath Surrey

9 May 2020

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