Whom to pay and by whom ?
The lock down has created an unprecedented situation of unemployment. The 
opposition is  in arms protesting and suggesting that loss of  wages  by  daily 
workers be compensated. The salaried persons have received a cut and delay / 
suspension of other allowances  and DA, but are still floating  to some extent
Here in Goa our leaders are issuing statements and writing to CM, while they 
themselves are  doing very little by  not dipping into their wast personal   
Imagine who could be excluded  for this largesse e.g. all types of daily 
workers, mining  dependents, fishing industry workers, vegetable , fish, pao  , 
 fruit ,vendors, drivers of motor cycle, rickshaws, taxi, tempos, trucks, 
busses, ghada and food carts, electricians, plumbers, masons, carpenters, tile 
fitters, employers in private establishments shops,  offices  sailors ,garrages 
mechanics , barbers, etc. the list is not exhaustive and endless
The Govt has lost revenues due to close down of commercial activity
From where the Govt will raise resources. The levy of taxes on water, alcohol 
etc is being resisted vociferously by the vocal leaders of opposition , who 
want the list  enlarged of  more so called eligible persons 
What the opposition could do is not to  regularly demand that list of  intended 
beneficiaries to be expanded  beyond the limit of elasticity .The demands are a 
crap to win political mileage .In the final analysis all of us will have to 
bear the brunt of this misplaced generosity. Fortunately many NGO’s, social 
organisation, private individuals , good samaritans  have  risen to the 
occasion and  provided /extended voluntary services of food ,shelter
The most deserving are  generally left  out in the cold  and that is a pity 

Nelson Lopes. Chinchinim 

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