Precautions and signs against covid
It is a highly contagious disease, Hence. wearing a quality mask alone is 
helpful. Distance isto be  maintained  of about  2  metres .Signs of soar 
throat, fever, cough, loss of smell are not specific to  Covid . Washing of 
hands  with soap is  advisable . Gloves are  not essential as virus can easily 
hide, if they are not cleaned .Wearing of mask when not in the company of 
others is meaningless ,as it is not spread through air .It does not spread 
through food, water, fruits Neither alcohol , hot water. can kill the virus 
once inside the cell. Avoid. touching of nose, eyes and mouth as virus   
surviving differently on varied surfaces may come in contact  with hands may be 
transferred into the lungs more easily.  Skin without cut will not provide 
entry to virus  .Dead bodies are not deadly  source of transmissions ,if 
handled with proper precautions. Shoes as carriers    of virus is remote and 
lift buttons touted in South Korea
 Nutritious food, positive  attitude and exercise, specially  deep breathing 
exercises will help .The greatest threat is  from asymptomatic carrier  
SummerTemperatures   in  Argentina, Braizil. , India have not flattened the 
curve .Some medicines over long period may increase immunity .The most 
vulnerable are those over 60 years, those with diabetes, pressure, kidney 
ailments,  asthma and children below ten must stay at home and be under self 
Home remedies, concoctions etc are not  definitive cure for virus is a  RNA 
crystal nota bacteria.
If citizens do not take precautions on own as recommended by guidelines , will 
have to blame themselves. Stop long conversations and visits to others or 
participate in group activities without social distance .Patients even elderly 
have recovered hence it is not fatal infections .Stigmatising patients and 
frontline warriors , doctors , nurses,  police  is best refrained from 
Until a vaccine arrives on the horizon of hope, we continue to live with the 
virus following guidelines diligently

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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