With so much at stake, economists, bankers, money managers and Govt decision 
makers are probably having sleepless nights about how the recovery will take 

Will it be a V, U or W recovery? Early Chinese data suggests it won’t be a V 
which is what everybody would like. Now, they are resigned to a U, question 
being how long the distance of the baseline before it goes upward. They’ll get 
nightmares if the recovery gets to a W.

What’s at stake are empty treasuries, tons of jobs, looming tax increases and 
any other scenarios that may make the actual virus seem like Kadio Bodios at 
the Bandra Feast.

For the Goa Govt, no way to remove the employment fat from the fire. The 
Persian Gulf - thumbs down, Cruise Ships two thumbs down and mining exports - 
the whole hand down.


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