With great shame I recall the pithy sum we paid our servants in the old days.  
Till this day I am haunted by the face of the grizzled old "Mochi" or 
shoemaker/repairer, who came from door to door to repair our shoes He re-soled 
my shoes for a very tiny sum of money.  I recalled how he looked at the work at 
hand, the small piece  of leather in his hand, and figured out how much profit 
he would make.......a few paisa.  The "Bisti" or waterman who drew water from 
the open well that we shared with several other people/   He was gaunt and 
grizzled, and drew water with a rope and pulley, and came to our kitchen and 
bathroom to fill the clay water cisterns.  His pay for the month cuold not have 
been more than 3 rupees.  Painful memories but that is in the past.
Where I live in Goa today, things have changed dramatically.  Casual laborers 
are non existent.  We have to compete with others to get casual laborers from 
Bihar, Chattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand etc.  We have to go and pick them 
up from where the laborers gather, give them a ride to our homes, and pay them 
Rs. 700/- per month for a total of perhaps 7 hours of actual work.  And even 
these laborers have disappeared and returned to their hometowns because of the 
current Covid-19 crisis.
Children of the laborers who served our village in my childhood, mainly helping 
tend our rice fields, repair our roof before the monsoon rains, and various 
other menial tasks, are now well educated, with some of them doctors, 
engineers, and government servants and bank clerks. They all own cars and 
scoters, and have built palatial homes in the village.  And so it should be.  
The landed lass known as bhatkars are living in the memories of days gone by, 
with their children mostly clerks, with a few aspiring to go to college.Our 
rice fields lie fallow, our cashew plantations remain un-picked (by the owners) 
and the bhatkar class now mainly rely on remittances from their children, 
serving on cruise lines, or in the gulf states.
If there are indentured servants, it is definitely not in the Goa that I know.  

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