Dear Adolfo,
You're much more knowledgeable than me on the issue and are probably quite

I had heard about this theory of cancer being caused by mobile and
microwave towers and wanted to lnow what others think as I couldn't find
enough information about it.
Best wishes,

On Wed, 20 May, 2020, 10:24 PM Adolfo Mascarenhas, <>

> Message: 1   Date: Tue, 19 May 2020 16:24:31 +0530
> From: augusto pinto <>
> To: augusto pinto <>
> Dear Augusto
> ID>
> I read your mail few minutes ago:
> FIRST , I am sorry to hear that so many deaths have occurred in your
> family and friends. It is true that India is among the countries with a
> very high rate of Cancer.
> But there are many surprise ……the worst country in Europe is Denmark,
> Netherlands, France and Ireland.  The USA is the fourth worst County for
> Cancer and Alaska is also bad.
> Three of the countries with the lowest rate are in Africa: Banako, Gambia,
> Cape Verde and in Asia it is Bhutan
> SECOND Let me be personal. My brother in 2008 complained that he was
> having pains in the chest . I asked him to have it x-rayed. By the time we
> got to Dar we got the news a nearly 900 grams lump near his lungs.  There
> were no smokers in our house …He was kept in Manipal Hospital, close to Goa
> University.  The Chemotherephy made him like a zombie..The Atttitude of the
> doctor was incredible, she asked me not to waste my money he was going to
> die ! Two days later I paid the bill and and ambulance fro NUSI took him
> there. Meanwhile I had ordered for the Johnson Patch through the
> Government. It could only be handled by an Oncologist !
> My Brother when he was in Tanzania worked in the Government Chemist. The
> ceiling was made of ASBESTOS.  His coworker died from the same.
> THIRD** How many Goans are exposed to ASBESTOS?
> The answer is many. As you know Boilers in the ship have asbestos coating
> to keep the temperature down.
> THIRD B: Last weekend a couple called me to their place for a barbecue …as
> we were sitting out I noticed something suspicious over a garage like
> structure. I went to look at it. Yes it was ASBESTOS !!
> Why must unscrupulous people use FORMALIN to preserve fish.  In
> the mortuary it is used to preserve the body until it is buried. One fine
> day the body “”””” explodes”””, Others use chemical  to  ripen fruit etc
> In many cases Cancer is linked to our DIETS …..reduction in fruits,
> vegetables etc and an increase in alcohol consumption etc smoking
> UVR…Ultra Violet rays ….that is why jets have opaque windows ...that is
> why Cancer is so high in Sunny Australia. There is a flip side
> Environmental Factors ….A shocked Major General Msuya asked me how did I
> know this. See my contribution at the IDRC Conference in Davos with Dr.
> Anthony Pais, himself an oncologist. Yes Volcanic Dust some fatal really
> fatal they kill in Minutes
> Get in touch with me if you think I can help ....
> Adolfo Mascarenhas
> In Quepem ..Goa

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