The second book on Goan architecture which I borrowed from Leroy is
'Hidden Hands: Masterbuilders of Goa' which is also authored by Heta
Pandit. This book published in 2003 by Heta Pandit and the Heritage Network
is also out of print.

This book is also a coffee table book which is sumptuously produced with
lots of photographs, pictures and illustrations. The photographs are by
Dina Vakil and the dedigner is Harshvardhan Bhatkuly.

It's focus is a bit different from the from the Houses of Goa book as
although it does deal with both secular and religious architecture of both
Hindus and Catholics, it takes as its subject the builders of the houses,
taken to be understood in a liberal way.

It starts with an introduction which deals with 3 phases: the
pre-Portuguese phase, the early phase after the Portuguese ruled Goa till
1750 and the later phase till 1950.

However a further look at the table of contents gives one an idea of the
direction of the book. Not only does it speak of the owners who
commissioned the houses and those who planned the houses, a but also the
masons, the hydro ecosystems, the agricultural ecosystem, stone craft,
building craft, wood craft, clay craft, metal work, applied art, decorative
art, and garden craft.

Thus it does not stop with only the structures of the houses, but
everything else that was used to make the house like the tools used for
building; and make the house a living space like the furniture and the pots
and pans and the cutlery and crockery and so on.

Actually from the point of view of understanding the evolution of the Goan
house this is arguably a more comprehensive book.

It has profiles of 10 house owners and a mini-directory of various builders
and crafts people. It also has a useful bibliography.

I'll describe the book in more detail in a subsequent post.

On Sat, 16 May, 2020, 6:17 PM augusto pinto, <> wrote:

> I wanted to read up on Goan architecture.
> Unfortunately when they were in print I didn't buy books about Goan houses
> as at the time they were a bit expensive and I didn't have enough money at
> the time.
> However fortunately for me my neighbour from Moira Leroy Veloso who
> collects books about Goa did buy some important ones so I borrowed a few
> from him. I'll write about the books I borrowed before delving into what I
> own myself.
> One of the more authoritative ones was Houses of Goa. It was first
> published by the architect Gerard da Cunha and Architects Anonymous in
> 1999. The book went into a second edition in 2000 and a third edition in
> 2006.
> Its text was written by Hera Pandit and Annabel Mascarenhas and the
> photographs are done by Ashok Koshy. The book has a foreword by Gerard da
> Cunha.
> Wtiting about Goan houses inevitably forces the writer to delve into
> history, for houses are the product of one's times.
> This is something which Houses of Goa richlh acknowledges as it explains
> how and why Goans built houses in the way they did over the ages.
> For instance the authors throw up the concept of the 'inward looking'
> traditional Hindu houses as compared with the post conversion 'outward
> looking' Christian houses.
> The old Hindu houses were ones where the women were to be shielded away
> from the eyes of outsiders. Hence while they had a lot of space indoors in
> the form of an inner courtyard called a raz-angounn the outside of the
> house was one which blocked the view to outsiders as to what way happening
> indoors.
> After many Goans got converted to Christianity the houses changed
> dramatically. The houses, especially those of the rich, began to be
> designed to display the class of the owners. They were meant to be like
> works of art, something that someone could marvel at from outside. On the
> inside furniture became important where in Hindu architecture there was
> little furniture.
> At the same time there were features of of embellishment borrowed from
> church architectural features like striking windows and gates.
> This post is getting overlong so I'll stop here.
> But the work of Heta Pandit et al is something well worth reading and
> pondering about if one wants to understand Goa.
> Augusto

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