Storm over English Paper
The moderator  has to function as the scrutiniser .The slip has caused the 
uproar . It is the  politicians who have stirred the hornets nest to score 
political mileage .One wants to deny the truth like proverbial ostrich and  the 
other wants to take potshots to accuse the  Govt of lack of employment 
opportunity. The storm was not set into motion by any academician per se though 
later  some throw in their hat for being counted as experts  I wonder what 
literary contributions, publication they can claim.
No education is worth the salt if young and so called impressionable minds are  
not  equipped .  to choose between right and wrong and to decide for themselves
Did the question require them to reflect and comment? About survival decision 
there is an old song which asks whom will you save if mother and wife are 
drowning .In such conflict management. there is no standard or rightful 
solution .The response will depend on emotional, make up 
But education should enable a decision that will not result in  life long guilt 
complex and repentance 
There is no doubt that question could have been avoided  but need result in 
harsh and  disproportionate outcome baying for blood as if it is a  punishable 
crime under statutes . After  all citizens are opting for Portuguese passport 
to empower themselves under circumstances. Both catholics and others are 
obtaining it not to censor the Govt or prove their Nationality or patriotism. 
Why hoardes of Indians are buying Indian passports?   The multitudes of 
citizens waiting to be repatriated home shows the enormity of unemployment 
.Besides the Portuguese passport comes at a stiff costs .Why we do not hear 
about any sons of politicians obtaining Portuguese Passport? In fact some have 
taken advantage of Portuguese connection to promote and benefit their family
Politicians thrive in such controversies  .Everybody is aware  of scales of 
cost and influence for securing employment. But it is a win win situation for 
both receiver and giver as the law can hang them both as per anti corruption 
laws for 
bribery. Why  guess about openings go to outsiders when suitable candidates are 
available?    It is because their lips are sealed as secrets are concealed well.
Thank the migrants it enhances govt revenues at  immense family sacrifices , 
isolations living outside family comfort of togetherness
Govt may not find jobs for every one, Accept  the truth  ,reality and do not 
castigate citizens for fending for themselves. Those living in ivory towers are 
 vouching for employment schemes without any knowledge .There is no need for 
politicians to migrate in search of greener pastures and employment
The BJP like dog in the manager have created administrative hurdles for those 
who have  no place here
The controversy has focussed once again migrations and  unemployment and to 
that extent it has opened the wounds of the society to reality.

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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