Punishment to paper setters
The GBSHSE is an autonomous body.  The Functionaries of the schools are
requisitioned for the work of the Board and hence are not  operating for
the school or on school duty. The schools  merely provides teachers to
facilitate the work of the Board and thus  neither not directly connected.
The board charges hefty fees from students .Hence the Board and ED. Dept,
cannot direct Managements of the concerned schools to take actions .Under
what provision of Board such action can be mandated?  Under what provision
of Education Act and rules can schools take actions? What type of actions
can school take that Board cannot take ? It is merely shifting onus of
action to soothe political anger. Are there any guidelines, which are
breached and if so what are the types of actions contemplated? The
responsibility must be fixed top down. The chairman, Chief  moderator must
own up and be taken to task first. There are layers of accountability, from
paper setting, to printing at all levels. The school Management are within
their rights to refuse any action. Like medical  practioners errors in line
of duty cannot be questioned, surfacing in spite of due diligence. Just
because they are paid from taxes is no justification. If by any stretch of
imagination, Board work is extension of normal duties, then paying of
remuneration does not arise. The so called error of sensitivity is not life
threatening or requiring the student to comment or reflect. It is hyped by
politicians to make mountain of mole hill for political gains. The general
public is fully aware that influence and incentives are a part of Govt
service. Has anybody stated, challenged that Govt. jobs are not on sale?
The recent story of Aval Karun is fresh and supportive of the influence.
The MLA`s want quota in employment hence merit is at a discount. What is
the calling price tag for appointment of Mamlatdars, RTO officilas, revenue
officials, graduate undergraduate teachers, Engineers, peons and even
drivers . The number of Goans stranded the world over due to lock down is
the testimony of employment need no guessing for  potential of employment
 in Goa of both highly educated, skilled and unskilled. The usual argument
that such considerations are but for party funds.
• The Board is finding difficult to engage voluntary paper setters,
invigilators, evaluators, etc and hence uses coercive methods to carry on
its exam related functions . The Management is asked to provide letters
from those refusing the Biards work Those that are compelled cannot be
targeted for minor lapses. The criteria for selecting such personnel must
consider reliability, responsibility and expertise and their willingness.
The selector is responsible for any so called dereliction of duty, if any.
Hence all such activities connected with Board exams must be broadly
codified and communicated in writing  as a  precautionary measures to such
functionaries undertaking Boards work. Only the political sentiments are
hurt for that you can hang the  functionaries  by deterrent actions, as
even punishable crimes are treated lightly and humanely
• They may at most debarred from future work, cautioned or reprimanded
,suffer loss of proportionate remuneration because in the present case it
is just  a matter of public and political perception of those in power
 against those who  opposed   publicly supporting stand at  as the reality
and truth ,The Govt is only on defensive trying to wriggle out by putting
the onus on school managements, which is ridiculous at best
• Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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