Very few practise the art of headlining when posting on 

A short and effective headline grabs attention. A long boring headline puts off 
a reader. Talking of long boring headlines I see some running into several rows 
which is absolutely disgusting. It tells me the poster has not used the gift of 
thinking or respecting the effort of the reader in determining whether he or 
she should read the post.

While some people are chronic defaulters in this respect, others have in the 
recent past put their entire post in the headline itself. Still others put 
their post all in capital letters. This not only screams at the reader, it 
shows a complete lack of sensitivity.

It all this continues, one can expect Goanet to be seen as a discussion board 
of people with disordered thoughts and even worse penmanship.

Come on folks. Please enhance the quality of Goanet at least in this little way.


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