celebrating. environmental day

The  earth includes animal  and plant life and right to live is not monopoly of 
humans alone. Everything does not exist for exclusive benefit of men .Humans 
because of their intelligence have cornered all benefits for himself ,depriving 
animals and plants the very right to survival. Forests have been devastated, 
animals have been driven out of existence andnatural resources   plundered  to 
meet the needs of development and progress 
The climate changes and natural disasters have occurred mostly in the last 
century  due to excessive exploitation  by human greed. not need. Humans are 
not concerned with future generations and to  that extent selfish
The earth has taken millions of years to evolve and be habitable and 
destruction is heralded at unprecedented speed 
Science is searching light years away for any  sign of even  microscopic life 
at considerable costs. No where we  have found ,discovered  earth like planet 
within reach and beyond that sustains variety of life as on earth  .Many 
species have vanished and many more are under endangered lists inspite of 
efforts  of conservation. preservation. Future generations may   have  to infer 
from documents and records  .as we do now on  extinct dinosaurs , they say 
vanished due to natural calamity
Science tells us that earth will disappear due death of star or hit by 
asteroid, rogue star , or by blast of neutron star etc Surely earth is destined 
to die naturally. Hence men is trying to escapebefore calamity   occurs  and 
save  the  continuation of human race from oblivion. But the stockpile of 
nuclear weapons ,missiles etc wars can destroy the earth twice over
Is  it then not prudent to save the earth and environment instead of search for 
illusive notexisting earth    like planet beyond the reach of science?
Green house effect due to excessive use of fossil  fuels is increasing 
temperature causing floods, cyclones melting of ice. table and swallowing low 
lying cities and  plants and animal life
The excessive manipulation of environment will spell disaster f or human race. 
The climate change is a grim warning to humanity to its survival and very 
existence. Science is  attempting to colonise  barren mars at a tremendous 
costs of creating atmosphere ,food  , shelters grow plants and   harvest water 
.It is wise and sensible to  prolong the life  of earth and environment and not 
hasten its destruction with the hope of finding a new habitable earth in an 
unknown galaxy. Every nation must work   for protecting earth and environment 
for  posterity  .Much  has been done but much  more needs to be done by co 
operation ofNations 

Nelson  Lopes. Chinchinim 
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