At the top of the enormous tamarind tree laden with fruit, Agnel talks to
his four year old granddaughter down below,

‘Aghô Luiza kitt kortt ghô tum?’(*Luiza what are you doing?)*

‘Choi rhê Pai anv chinché botam punzaitam, Choilem?’(*Look at me Pai, I am
picking tamarind)*

‘Oi mughô bai, huim hai ghô tughellim chinché botam?’(*Of course my dear,
and where have you kept the tamarind dear?)*

‘Him choi hai murhê, ayem huntiyen borrun, zaitim kelleaim’(*Here they are,
I have collected them in my skirt)*

As they talk, Agnel keeps a sharp eye on Luiza, who is playing, intent on
making piles of the fallen tamarind.

‘Baié, chinché botam gheun kitt kortollem ghô tum?’(*Dear what are you
going to do with all that tamarind?)*

‘Pai, tuk bhori koddi kortollem, sungtam gann’(*Pai am going to make you a
curry, with prawns)*

They giggle and laugh in anticipation of a delicious curry cooked by

Just then an ugly shout destroys the peace of the morning...

‘Chedvá kitt kortt ghô tum?’ (*Girl what are you doing?)*

It was the Badkan of the Pinto Carvalho house...

With a start Agnel looks down, his tiny granddaughter has gathered tamarind
in the skirt of her dress... The Badkan advances towards Luiza who is
simply terrified and promptly drops all the tamarind from her skirt...

Luiza then bends down and picks up two tamarind pods, one for each little

The Badkan is annoyed, terribly so. ‘Urroi ghô tem chinché bót. Urroi
attam’ (*Throw the tamarind pod down, you girl. Throw it down now)*

Luiza looks at her and puts her closed fist behind her back...And then
looks at the Badkan.

Now the Badkan is terribly angry, she reaches and yanks Luiza’s little
hands to the front and forcibly removes the chinché bót from Luiza’s closed

‘Paiiiiiiiii’ screams Luiza in anger and deep fear.

In a jiffy Agnel is at the bottom of the tree and picks up Luiza. ‘Baié
kitt zallem ghô? Kitt zalem? (*What has happened dear? What has happened?)*

He looks at the Badkan, ‘Kitt zalem Badkanni?’(*What has happened?)*

‘Tughem burghem malcriad, mughellim chinché bótam chortallem’ (*Your
daughter is badly brought up, she was robbing my tamarind pods)*


‘Donn chinché bótam, anni Chór zalem?’(Two tamarind pods and she is a

‘Sang rhê Agnel tuguellim thim chinché bótam ?’Chór zaum nha tugellem

(*Tell me Agnel, are they your tamarind pods? So isn’t your daughter a

Agnel looks at her utterly saddened and terribly angry...

‘Badkani tughé cheddo kazar zatam nhu? Matt hea vorsa tughelli koddien
amott asschina’(Badkani I heard your son is about to be married, but there
will be no souring agent in your curry)

Agnel picks up his little granddaughter, vowing never to pluck fruit from
any of the trees of the house of such heartless people, who thought of
nothing, for whom even tiny amounts of money made such a difference.

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