Dear Venantius:


First of all let me say that Iprobably should send you a royalty check for the 
intriguing artwork authored byyou that this month graces my desktop.
 for now, allow me to say ThankYou! Talents like yours are rare indeed. Proud 
of you Venantius-san.

Coming to the subject at hand, nomatter that Linda De Suza sings in French some 
of the time (a language that Idid spend a few years learning in high school), 
you could find it easy to be afan of Linda De Suza. The lady has a beautiful 
voice and lots of talent. Like her so  many of us Goans in foreign lands must 
feel like "L'Etrangere" once in a while? BTW Lyrics English translation can be 
found at
I know that Goans all over the worldare familiar with many different languages. 
More out of necessity than choice. So no big deal here. 
We take it in stride. Life goes on.




From: Venantius J Pinto <>


"Still, I have believed that there is a court of Goans congregating
somewhere, In Goa - having a blast at the proclivities of various Goans,
including, those overseas.

Rock on!


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