Today is a very auspicious day, my son Aaron is eight years old.  He has
not been to Africa and I would like him to visit me perhaps towards the end
of the year.  Lots more to write.

1::::Let me preface my remarks by saying that you have liberated from being
a slave to ones discipline. :::::

 I am a Geographer but in 1966 I gave up my Green card status and a
Teaching Assistantship at UCLA and returned to Tanzania as a Special
Lecturer.  A few days after my return I taught my first class at the
University of Dar es Salaam, which was then linked to University of London.
I started by telling them about the composition  of the human body. The ten
or twelve students who were from the Science Faculty, found it strange but
had no difficulty coping with  it .  Indeed one of them not only became the
Advisor to the Namabian President and the Government. He returned to Dar es
Salaam as the Vice Chancellor of a Private Hospital.  The lady qualified as
a Medical Doctor sacked by the President of Tz and a week later appointed
by World Health Organization as the representative for Africa. Poetic

*::::2 ::: I Learnt Quite a Good Bit::::*

I learnt quite a bit.  For instance I  was not aware of . In your
words <<<<These
missing dead shells would have performed yet another important function.
Built of calcium carbonate, the alkali slowly leeches into the water,
neutralising the acid levels in the estuary. This is extremely important as
acids in the water can dissolve the shells of crustaceans and mollusks
(snails, clams and oysters) exposing them to the elements and making them
vulnerable to predators.>>>>>>

###2B #### Who would have imagined the removal of oyster shells could be
linked to a decline in  oyster production world over? /#### My reaction
…local action can have global reaction.

::::*3A*:::To make transport easy, these collectors gather entire rocks,
complete with mother shells and all, which they then fill into empty cement
bags, transporting them back to their  respective villages, often in the
hinterland with no access  to a creek or backwater.:::

<<<<<Yes.  But  perhaps one solution is to make no-local people take the
oysters in a container with lots of ice>>>>>

:::::*4 Mangroves::::*

I am very conscious about the power of the mangrove to clean and protect
and conserve breeding fish.  The Rufiji Delta in Tanzania has been
exploited for generations …Some of the Mangrove are about 18 inches in
diameters and for a very long time were exported to Shiraz in the Persian
Gulf.   Unfortunately the agriculture and the fishing (especially prawns }

will be destroyed

>>>>>Perhaps you could incorporate a lot more about about the mangroves in
subsequent piece. I have good reason for suggesting this idea.   My
maternal parents have their house built on basaltic rock , but there is a
small fishing village and it is still there, nestled between the hill side
and the small tributaries of the river >>>>>>

*:::: 5 Development::::*

<<<Human development is not about high rise buildings, real estate
development::: I am happy to see that you have the renouned Professor  Guy
Standing,  previously from ILO. I respect the stand of ILO, knew Prof. Ghai
when I was working in Geneve.  It is all about being Human and respecting
the rights of others…be it land, resources etc>>>>>

<<<< All the Major Revolutions and Uprising against the Establishment or
Monarchies have been the unequal distribution of wealth.>>>>>

*::::6  Local Knowledge & Disasters::::*

 As a former Regional Director of IUCN for the whole of the unliberated
part of Southern Africa  there is a great deal I learnt.  I am even more
conscious now nearly 4 decades later that resources and environment cannot
be left to bureaucrats and politicians alone …people  must participate alone

<<<<<<<However , all this assumes that there is no CORRUPTION  and the
leadership can bear the truth.   >>>>,

Adolfo Mascarenhas
In Quepem

PS Mervyn: you know a lot about fishing ...In 1944 we used to walk for
picnics near Salender Bridge, near Oyster Bay.  My Pinto used to Fish
...there was a one variety called lady fish.  I have not seen them at all
for the last 30 or 40 years .

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