Pride does not win friends and friendship.

Proud people are normally not very friendly and often isolated in their
self-centered cocoons. They cannot climb down from their pedestal of ego.
It is not within their ambit to acknowledge, respect or appreciate others
or their achievements. They will unconsciously, consciously resort to
criticism, fault finding and belittle the best of achievements and are
loath to give credit to others. They will seek self-glory and praise in
everything they accomplish. Proud people suffer from superiority complex,
are touchy, and supper sensitive, arrogant and can easily prick the bubble
of self-respect of others with impunity. They cannot easily relate to
others and win friends and friendship and are ensconced with their egos in
the ivory tower of their own in isolation. Thus the attitude of pride is
the greatest obstacle to healthy and lasting relationships .It demands not
commands love under pressure.  .Society resents the arrogance and pride and
shows scant respect to such people not in demand. The desire to stand out
and buy respect is high on their list of priorities under force .Proud
people want to be known and be famous and that is their most favorite diet

The family label  of  the origin of their birth, prominence, position,
status of the family in the society is trump card of proud, who sometimes
take   shelter under the shadow of popularity, greatness of their parents,
ancestors in politics, Professions, business. Etc .  Often born with a
silver spoon in their mouth their personal achievements are nothing to be
proud of .They have not to exert, toil as everything is available on a
platter .The family fame is the background to boast about

 Educational qualifications, success and excellence can give rise to
swollen heads of arrogance and bloated egos. Education on the contrary is
supposed to cultivate spirit of humility, tolerance and respect for other.
Often the background of family aids them to take advantage of best
educational facilities coupled with influence and finance. Degrees of
foreign Universities are added armor in their shield of pride, which they
can flaunt and display to enhance their self-worth,

Caste system in India is an important factor proud wear on their lapels
.The upper caste have certain traditional openings that can give a head
start. Until recently lower caste student were denied opportunities, which
they dared not dream due to limitations of economic and social restrictions
.The upper caste believe that they have the right to dominate others below
them in social order and subjugate them into compliance with social
pressure. The priestly community invariably belonged to proud upper caste

The position, status one holds in society in their chosen professions,
gives them an edge to pride over others due to dependency and naturally
claim superiority in relations to. Mastery, excellence, popularity in their
chosen fields of professions makes people feel indispensable, important
which fuels pride. In traditions , customs,  and culture certain
professions , trades are considered more, noble, respectful  superior and
therefore   manual and skilled jobs are considered less dignified, even
 though remuneratively more gratifying.

 Beauty and grace gives added high to contestant and a win at beauty
pageant catapults into cloud nine of pride, Beauty participants consider
themselves as a special breed unto themselves, even though beauty is skin
deep and momentary, illusive. The pride displayed is to be believed. The
colour of white skin is another component of pride in the society, though
now black is considered as beautiful, an antidote to superiority of skin

The power of financial clout, physical amenities, material possessions,
luxuries of life with vast resources of disposal income, adds to their
privileged living in the society and thus exerts subtle influence of power,
position .Wealth may buy respect, honor temporarily   to a very great
extent and does play a dominant role even without education or professional

Political power, position in present times is considered as the greatest
status and those in the field are seem to enjoy enormous pride and
privileges in the society. Their pride is unlimited and unjustified but
true. Politicians exercise enormous control on all sections of the society
and display arrogance par excellent

If one believes the Bible, pride was the cause fall of angels from grace.
As opposed to pride humility, simplicity is the virtue admired and loved in
the society Humble people are content and enjoy simple things in life ,
peace of mind and have  an army of natural friends and admirers. Be humble,
be wanted, loved and respected
Nelson Lopes hinchinim

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