From a note:

Today we celebrate the Day of Portugal, Camões and the Portuguese Communities.
This year the official celebrations were restricted to a symbolic meeting at 
the Jeronimos Monastery in Lisbon of the 7 higher officers of the State along 
with Cardinal Tolentino de Mendonça, the person chose to organize the 
celebrations of the 10th of June.
Nevertheless, across the country and throughout the planet thousands of 
Portuguese citizens celebrate June 10. And, although respecting the sanitary 
rules, there are good reasons to celebrate Portugal and the Portuguese citizens.
Our Prime Minister, António Costa, put it right on his message of the 10th June:
“Today, I want to address in particular the Portuguese communities abroad.
Each of these Portuguese and Portuguese descendants constitutes an important 
link between Portugal and the world, prolonging the our country far beyond the 
limits of its physical  borders.
They represent us in their host countries with the best we have to show others: 
ability to work, ease of adaptation, generosity and determination necessary to 
overcome adversity. (…)
In difficult and uncertain times, it is important to celebrate – even through 
digital means - the pride of being Portuguese.
It is with determination and hope that I greet you on this date, sure that we 
will meet again soon.
Until then, my hug to all the Portuguese spread throughout the world. We remain 
united by the love of our country, strong and determined to build a better 
The present times are difficult and and the future is uncertain. But we know 
that the Portuguese usually exceed themselves during difficult times.
Today is the day to share with you and your family that I am proud of our 
community and believe that we will survive these difficult times.
And it is also the time to share with you our National anthem, beautifully 
interpreted by Nadia Rebelo, a Goan singer that made this National Day much 
better with her contribute. You can see it at
Happy Day of Portugal!

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