I immediately noticed about the 8 year old ‘son’ and so must have a lot of
other readers. We were too polite to question it.

Talking of myself, many years in Canada have conditioned me not to speak
out my mind unless absolutely necessary and in this case it was not
absolutely necessary.

Now that you have, as the lawyers in court say “opened the doors to the
subject”, here were my thoughts.

First Thought
What’s with the old guy? Is he as randy as the sheikhs of Araby going about
life cradle snatching?

Second Thought
May be the poor guy lost his wife and after a decent period of mourning,
finally married his black Tanzanian housemaid for companionship but not
physical attraction. But boys will be boys and Aaron happened.

Third Thought
Perhaps like the prophet he married an older woman (still fertile) for her
money and by accident Aaron was born. A total repetition by the way, of
Abraham and his wife Sarah who was too old to bear him a son but in reward
for all the sustainable earth programmes that Grandolfo was involved in,
decided to bless him.

Final Thought (The Canadian One)
Come on man, we are evolved human beings. What if a man kisses another man
out of love, what if a man married a woman young enough to be his daughter
if both did it happily and of their own free will. Mind your own business.

In the end my Canadian thinking prevailed and I shut my mouth and locked
the keyboard. Fortunately, the Goan thinking (The First Thought) lost out.
Good that happened or else I would have been exposed of having a
Neanderthal brain and worse, it wouldn’t have been true.


On Fri, Jun 12, 2020 at 1:12 PM Adolfo Mascarenhas <>

> You know Vivian, I think you were spoiled by your stay in USA.
> Occasionally I used the litmus test and make deliberate mistakes ...Notice
> that not a single Goan questioned me as to how AARON who is only 8 could be
> a father.  However, all those who stayed in Asia/Market street   cluster
> became Musicians. Artist, Professor, Revolutionaries and still remained
> sensible broad minded  Goans.   I know somebody or the other offered me a
> Nobel Prize but I refused ....
> --
Roland Francis
+1 (416) 453.3371

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