Suicides  cause alarm and sympathy waves

Suicides are prevalent  among   a   broad spectrum ,rich, poor, young ,
old, students, males, females, educated , uneducated, business people,
lovers and those in glamour world  and are not confined to any particular
group. Religious with strong spiritual base are difficult to understand
being prone to suicidal tendencies, . Sometimes it is planned or it may
instantaneous. Suicide notes may also be planted in murder to mislead  or
no suicide notes increase sympathy, cause confusion as a mystery. Mysteries
of suicides cause popular upsurge, doubts and suspicions

Rarely suicides are informed or communicated in advance. It is a total
secretive act , as such  thoughts and feelings  baffles even the closest
 friends and family until the last minute. Behaviour, speech may show some
indications if carefully, routinely  monitored.

The major causes are mental  like , stress ,depression , heightened state
of anxieties, grief, isolation, rejection,  mood swings, guilt, remorse ,
revenge, shame or family history of suicidal tendencies  .It may be
financial, death of loved one, failed relationship, unemployment .substance
abuse like drugs,, alcohol, incurable illness, trapped or feeling  hopeless
in emotional pain, lack of home support, trouble with law and violence in
family or to uphold family honour in the society

The person is likely to resort to suicides by drugs overdose, poisons,
hanging, shooting, jumping from heights, or into water or in front of
vehicles  The violent end is sign of desperation not to survive as a failed

Such people are not able to cope with overwhelming situations. Their
reasons are momentarily blocked/  visions impaired and they do not see a
way out .They do not seek help or confide in any one  including family or
close friends and are mostly isolated and aloof not sharing their fears and
concerns or seek help and guidance. Personal and intimate problems are a
complete secret and what is publicly known is proverbial tip of iceberg
People are most likely to judge suicides from outward public knowledge. The
mind of suicide person is weak and confused making him to think that
suicide  ends all  to life problems But in reality it is an illusion that
the person is satisfied by himself. Mental health must find educational and
family support

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim alarm and sympathy wave

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