Vo ghoran, O ghoran!

Time and again, we come across unpalatable topics. Subjects, and ideas,
indeed even notions that get our goat, stick in the craw, or blindside us.
We have our education, years of it, but rarely in the areas of what could
rattled us! But for real, they ostensibly suggest things and values about
ourselves, our strengths, our biases, and quite possibly our weaknesses.

Life is not, and cannot be about building meaningless consensus with like
minded others, including those engaged in obtuse zealotry, or with those
thoroughly antagonistic -- to name but two phalanxes of mind
space/"metascapes." Indeed, we should possess that ability to embrace the
other, even if they stay intransigent in their manner of conducting
themselves. But never with those who alter frames of reasoning, kick the
can down the road, move goalposts! That is some "massa" attitude. A simple
example is by intentionally interjecting vapid humor in an otherwise
pointed and precise thought. What is worse is those who back off rather
than provide some measure of commiseration. Silence is not always golden;
particularly when, that silence is conveniently settled into. A shunning!
Unless of course, where one is comfortable in writing off certain worthy
thoughts, as in. they do not count, or never existed, never came by us.

  "We do not come by our thoughts; they come to us." vjp, through an
intermittent series in my artistic labor

 How does one do so? If not instilled in us, then it's by being mentored,
or by having the "zeal" from within to change away from one's proclivities;
that snorting, towards mindless banality death. And I know for sure, that
it's never too late. Aurelius, Seneca and others could help too.

"You don't have to turn this into something. It doesn't have to upset you.
Things can't shape our decisions by themselves."
— Marcus Aurelius

Moving on, some certainly may be celebrated or viewed as polymaths, while
others believe so, merely and ardently! So be it, if that's your strand of
belief! And here, I am reminded of a rank thought, that I heard in a Goan
*Thought, thought he had farted but he had shat! *
I presume I was wrong in believing we are an earthy people; but surely
sterile, and antiseptic. I presume it's about survival. Emotional survival,
that is.

Moving on, as I regard these thoughts from my singular vantage, I sincerely
believe that unless we maintain a vigil of consistently inspecting
ourselves, our pfaffings may remain mere engagements in poor rhetoric, with
gnarls galore. What is worse is that it shows.!

At this point I am reverting to Angak sukh, Potak bukh! [The body is at
peace, the stomach empty (hungry, growls)]. Do not read too much into the
latter part.

Tathata / Suchness [Btw, still Christian]

Venantius J Pinto


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