Before the arrival of the Sharada Bandar High School, Miramar in 1968, the 
Portuguese colonial yoke had planted Caju trees along the coastline, Miramar 
until Caranzalem. Then came the liberators of Goa with great knowledge in 
development and destroyed the plantations (for housing). Besides producing the 
best booze the tree also helps in soil erosion. Now there is no booze nor soil 
containment along the coast, but large waves to decapitate any structure that 
comes in its way.
On the same night outside my home next to Miramar beach in Goa, on the
Konkan coastline of western India, powerful ocean waves crashed to their
previous highest ingress, just metres from our compound wall. What had
happened only once before, during an unprecedented cyclone, has now
occurred in the first week of this monsoon.


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