India  China  confrontation

The long term intentions are a suspect . India is  cozying   up to USA and 
China is  rattled by   new found bonhomie  .The Nations in South  China sea 
,Australia, France Bhutan, USA, Germany have supported India against  latest 
Aggression . China is also on back foot for  with   not coming clean with  
Covid pandemic , ravaging the world .Certainly pressure is building against 
China’s economic interest and its ambitions for recognition  as world power. 
Militarily , economically  with  its GDP growth it has built an  enviable  spot 
for itself. Industries are moving out of  China .India has tightened noose on 
economic ties and  also cut  59 the apps .The participation in trade is also 
under scrutiny under make  in India for  self sufficiency.  China’s 
participation in many lucrative business will remain entrenched and it  has a 
huge equity. India has woken up too late to take on the dragon. The bloody 
incident at Galwan valley has woken the sleeping Indian Kumbakaran. India is 
now flexing muscle mobilising its presence and ready for any eventuality with a 
strong message from PM to take on come what may with consequences for  both 
Nations .The economics of war are in favour of China, but National pride will 
not be undermined by threats of military superiority of China with respect to 
hardware and troops. 
It is clear that personal diplomacy and investment of good relations has had no 
bearing on China. It is already in occupation of huge tracts  of Indian 
territory. The perception battle on both sides of LAC gives scope for 
aggressive   moves and  misadventures   .The Ughirs in China are a persecuted 
minority and brutality is pouring out in trickle to the discomfiture of the 
dragon  adding  to it are the simmering outbursts in  Hongkong  with USA and UK 
extending aid and moral support
What is   bothering  is TV debates  in India giving our mind, deployment and 
military strategy thus cautioning the opponents of our strengths and military 
measures. Such finer details are best left to military planners and Govt, The 
opposition does not see eye to eye due to various misinformation campaign by 
Govt in power.  India todayis in  position   of strength to dither about   
Chinese pressing forward as an aggressor at many sectors  
Even when  cordial talks where going on India  between two leaders   
skirmishes on the border were a sore eye

When India and world is fighting wars against  Covid menace ,China’s step is 
most treacherous to open military  confrontations against India and other 
Where is the outcome of 30 odd meetings our PM had with its counter part 
offering hands of friendship
The trade balance is huge  and nusiness  can no longer be as usual. Hard steps 
have to be taken to hurt its interests and world too is waking  up to this grim 
situation of Chineese ambitions using military might. Nations haveshown 
solidarity    with India’ s stand   but in the final analysis  we must fight 
our own battles. Even if it is  for donestic  consumption that Govt is 
publishing its preparedness in earnest there is no doubt that India will meet  
head on. Though India has taken a shot at moon  and mars , we have to be  
indigenous  at production of submarines ,  missiles,    aircraft carriers , 
fighter aircraft like  the Chineese. Our dependence on China has to  be 
reversed fast even at sacrifice as citizens have given a clarion call to boycot 
Chineese merchandise. The sentiment is up beat

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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