With Goa witnessing a rapid surge in COVID-19 cases and an increasing
number of deaths, the government’s one and only priority must be to deal
with the raging pandemic. After all, the most basic duty of any Government
is to protect the lives of its citizens.

Given the worsening health and economic situation, it is imperative that
all pending and proposed projects must be put on hold and the unending
greed of the ruling politicians must end too. The Health of our citizens
must be uppermost and the only priority for the Government. This means that
all non-essential projects even the needless Manohar Parrikar’s memorial at
Miramar should be consigned to the racks.  This is a critical time for us
to tighten our economic belt and use all our limited resources to focus on
fighting the virus, saving lives and helping the vulnerable instead of
irresponsibly wasting taxpayers’ money on vanity projects for the benefit
of a few instead of the many.

Health Minister Vishwajit Rane should get his act together and get the
priorities right. A COVID hospital in Sattari and not an IIT is the need of
the hour. It would also facilitate the hordes of the Health Minister’s
flock that have to currently travel from Sattari all the way to the Goa
Medical College at Bambolim for their gainful employment.

With the COVID crisis in the State aggravating by the day, the government
must get its very slack act together and gear up for the long haul. We are
today paying a heavy price for the wrong decisions, misplaced priorities,
lack of leadership and planning by this visionless government.

Over the last crucial few months Chief Minister Pramod Sawant and Health
Minister Vishwajit Rane have miserably abdicated in their duty by their
flip flops in dealing with the deadly virus. For this Goa and Goans will
not forgive their sheer incompetence in these crucial times.

The battle against COVID-19 cannot and should never have been allowed to be
a BJP political affair. A national crisis of this magnitude should have
seen a concerted and determined cross-party effort following the science
and advice from experts and involving every Goan to contain and combat the
virus with transparency and genuine leadership and planning.

Any government who fails to carry out its most basic duty to defend the
lives of its citizens is unworthy to lead. Thomas Jefferson, the third
President of the United States wisely observed; “The care of human live and
happiness and not their destruction, is the first and only object of any
good Government”.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



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