Pilot states that he does not want to join BJP having fought against and won.  
Conspiration  theory does  not seem plausible explanation. High  Command wants  
Pilot  to return  as doors are open and sort out issues   from within and would 
not like to lose him,  Party wants to save Congress as many states have fallen 
to game plans of BJP .Gelhot  has tasted blood and going for kill
Ghelot wants  to finish Pilot by disqualification and sacking for  anti party 
activities , as  notices sent out for skipping meetings .He has been  sacked as 
deputy CM and as Party chief in the state .Two of his supporters are divested 
as  Ministers These moves are clear signals   of strong action to decimate and 
humiliate him and make it an  impossible an  honourable, dignified  home coming
 Gelhot states he has proof of hobnobbing with BJP.  He is clear that Pilot 
cannot work anymore and he did not adjust for so long .There were  constant  
irritation in their functioning as deputy CM. called as differences of opinion
Pilot may form his own  outfit to salvage his pride and honour. Could  be  he 
shifted to centre and them shifted after Gelhot tennure is over. Gelhot is 
having his say at the moment and Party may not be able to force Pilot on the 
the CM.
If Pilot is pushed to the wall
Pilot still can do damage to stability of Govt.  can be under a cloud in times 
to come .Hence long term view of High  Command is to take a realistic view. BJP 
is maintaining ring side view and  opportune moment to strike 
nelson lopes chinchinim

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