There is no issue here with covers, but haven't we had enough of them, over
the years, without a single original tune, with local and indigenous
ingredients, breaking up the monotony? And, is it asking too much of a
musician or band to come up with one single, original tune -- one single,
original tune! -- once every twelve months?  Singers in Konkani don't seem
to think this an imposition at all, coming up with albums every few years,
and with absolutely no expectations of returns in money, but only because
they like doing what they do and don't mind putting themselves out of
pocket to put their feelings out there. This, I believe, is called passion.
One isn't against covers if one asks for an original tune now and then.
Covers have their time, place and function in our lives, no question about
it, but non-stop mimicry isn't good for the psyche/soul, you'll agree. Most
of the bands I've heard at weddings lately have been quite good
technically, and doing amazingly accurate impressions of other singers, but
that's about it. To put it in slang, this simply doesn't do it for me. And
oughtn't to for most Goans, if we pretend to even the slightest musical
taste. We should be expecting more Chris Perrys, Jacint Vazes and Remos to
jazz up the local music scene than is happening at the moment.

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