Stephen Dias, Dona Paula

The Goa Foundation is an NGO of impeccable credentials. In fact, on several
matters involving the Supreme Court, they are the voice and power of the
people especially as far as the environment and especially its protection
is concerned. It is preposterous that the NGO that has been the bulwark of
conscientiousness is being sought to be probed for illegal funding. It may
be emphasized that after the Justice M B Shah Commission Report unearthed
massive illegal mining in Goa amounting to Rs. 35,000 crore involving
politicians in collusion with mining companies and the bureaucrats, the Goa
Foundation moved the Supreme Court and stopped the illegal mining in the
state which had reached beyond control and which became a free for all. The
Supreme Court immediately brought down the gavel and stopped the illegal
mining in the State which bled the exchequers both as the Centre as well as
the State from further spinning out of control. The environment is
paramount and the Goa Foundation for decades together has been the
conscience among NGOs as they have through only legal means which is
undoubtedly the only forum through which the exposure of the illegalities
can be redressed as on a number of cases they have moved the Supreme Court,
the apex forum in the country where grievances pertaining to saving the
environment of Goa is concerned. Mining excesses in the State should not be
allowed to spread without credible checks and balances, where caution is
thrown to the wind and illegal mining becomes a scourge on the export of
Goa's ores much against environment in the State. As far as this is
concerned, I hope that the premiere NGO succeeds in stopping the
destruction of the Bhagwan Mahaveer Wildlife Sanctuary as well as the
National Park in Mollem. Full marks to the Goa Foundation who have been
doing a fantastic job and should not discourage him for fighting for the
benefit of Goans.

Stephen Dias
Social worker
Dona Paula

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