I agree, Roland. The thing is, the crooks are in control and taking
advantage of the Corona siege to loot as much as they can before we stir
from our stupor. I can imagine your frustration over the basket of
deplorables and white supremacists mucking things up next door. Here, in
Goa, our resistance needs to move beyond mere venting right about now. As
Febriona says: Time to wake up, Time to be brave!
May I add that I'm more than pleasantly surprised by Febriona's post? This
is quite a song (Save Our Mollem), the lyrics seemingly wrung out from deep
inside of her and delivered with just the right amount of feeling. I'd
never heard of her till I clicked this link in the evening today. After one
listen I googled, her, and now discover that she's already got quite a bit
of musical history behind her. The girl can not only carry a tune but also
fashions a neat turn of phrase! (She has a couple more original
compositions besides this one, apparently). It may be worth our while to
keep our ears tuned to her frequency, and hope she can build on the promise
she has shown upto now.

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