Hype is BJP top  priority.

Every event receives maximum publicity
Designed to glorify party in power.In fact it is their favourite past time
. Second most strategy is every I'll plaguing the country  today is laid at
the foot of Congress party  in the  distant past . The ruling party is
given popular mandate  to move forward and not to dig in the past to
justify its inability to  find solution .Then there is master  strategy in
unision to divert attention  and confuse issues due to failures. BJP
leadership is going  hammer and  tongs  over UPA and Gandhi family  They
are under illusion that destroying   their credibility will lead to their
extinction  and hence comfort for ruling party  .PDF.TMC. ADMK. BJD,  and
other local leaders in many states are thorns in their grandiose  Plans
The turmoil in many states with recurring frequency ruled by opposition
parties is giving a twist to their ambitions .
The trust and confidence in recent years on Judiciary ' police,ED,IB, CBI
has been criticized by well meaning intellectuals, who are  then  branded
as  devoid of patriotism and Nationalism   .The removal of art 370 and
instability in JK, Citizenship act National register of citizens  , trouble
at borders    ,covid pandemic has turned heads upside down . The visit by
Trump, moon and Mars shots, Ram Temple issue, Rafael inductions , surgical
strikes  are providing soothing balm to frayed nerves.
BJP hangs on one man and half army while constantly harping on dynasty
.Initially the foreign visits,  catchy slogans and half hearted reforms
and   incomplete measures have  given temporary respite   and long lost its
luster. The economy is giving goose bumps on all fronts.  The election
promises on employment, reforms on women protection ,police  have fallen
by way side The lockdown  has aggravated the  situation . Only God can save
Nelson Lopes Chinchinin

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