Be on the right side

IT is risky to rub the politicians on the wrong side, especially if
vengeance  is their  personality make up.  They are the ultimate bosses,who
can throw their weight around and ruin your peace and career  .When ever it
is a promotion the reasons are obvious of either merit or rank favouritism.
There are no marks  for guessing .But if it is scaling down  it pains and
hurts for not knowing justification  of abrupt decisions like lightening
  Recall how a physically handicapped women employee in an anganwadi  was
summarily  transferred from Pernem  to Kepem just because her husband  was
part of agitation against ITI  set up   .The fracas at Hospital sometimes
back with a lady was cooled down in an atmosphere of let bygones be
bygones   . There is apprehension among the employees at Bambolim threading
on iron board nails to be extremely cautious of risks involved even airing
legitimate grievances  .Recently the doctor in charge of covid set up, also
afflicted with covid was recalled  even though he was recuperating.The
family had to seek court interventions for relief and the arrogance was
seen in answer in the Assembly
Dr IRA  summary transfer is shocking  after being in charge for prolonged
period and who was praised for doing commendable job and indeed it  was in
public eye
People working in responsible position need to be treated with politeness
and respect .The position and political power cannot be used to subjugate,
demoralize  and humiliate dedicated ,sincere workers
If there are serious charges of irregularities decency demands  that
authorities first  seek explanations.There is no known  outcry  in public
domain necessitating such demoralising action against an honest employee
Though transfers are routine harsh actions must be justified  for
politicians are also public servants  The shabby and shoddy treatment meted
out to  Dr IRA is inhuman and speaks of arrogance of power

Nelson Lopes Chinchinin

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